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Nille, Kjersti Hobøl | The Nille boss reacts strongly: – What does this have to do with infection control?

Lots of people, but closed Nille stores.

95 Nille stores are still closed, but in a few days the measures in Viken will expire, and will be replaced by more differentiated measures. Some municipalities continue as before, while others can facilitate the measures.

Nille, one of Norway’s largest chains, has been closed, but a large number of stores are open in shopping centers in Viken. Florists under 250 square meters were allowed to open is last week. In addition, among other things, grocery stores, health food stores, kiosks, hairdressers, pharmacies, liquor stores have been open more or less all the time.

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Nille boss Kjersti Hobøl thinks the overall picture in recent weeks now appears to be very strange.

– At my local shopping center in Ytre Enebakk, only Nille and a clothing store are now closed this week. The liquor store, hairdresser, pharmacy, grocery store and flower shop are open and there are lots of people. What does it have to do with infection control? asks the Nille boss.

Little infection

She says the same is true in many other places.

– If you go to CC Vest (shopping center in Oslo west, editor’s note) now, there are a lot of people because so many shops can be open. If this is to limit infection, then it is out of the question, says Hobøl.

She still believes that the argument that closed shops contribute to lower infection is even weaker after the measures in the last month. There are very few who during the last year have stated that they have been infected on a shopping trip, and Nille does not know anyone who has been infected in their stores.

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– It is now clear that it is not in the store that the infection occurs. Then it had arisen at Vinmonopolet and the grocery store, which has been open all the time, she says.

She still believes that the argument that closed shops contribute to lower infection is even weaker after the measures in the last month. Over the past year, very few have stated that they have been infected on a shopping trip.

– It is now clear that it is not in the store that the infection occurs. Then it had arisen at Vinmonopolet and the grocery store, which has been open all the time, she says.

Has contributed to lower infection

State Secretary Saliba Andreas Korkunc (H) in the Ministry of Health and Care Services says that the measures they have taken have been to reduce the total mobility in society as much as possible.

– The order to close stores therefore also applies to stores where there is in itself a low risk of infection. Exceptions have been made for some shops because the population must have access to necessary goods such as food, pharmacy goods and agricultural goods. The introduction of new exceptions or the extension of existing exceptions requires a special justification because it could weaken the overall level of measures.

– Have closed stores at chains such as Nille, Europris, etc. actually contributed to lower infection?

– All the measures to reduce contact between people have collectively led to the infection numbers being on the decline. The new virus mutants are highly contagious, and we do not have a full overview of where people become infected.

Support from Guldvåg

He receives support from health director Bjørn Guldvog.

– Assessments have been made by the country’s best infection control experts that such a system is the one that best manages to control the infection. It is also what has contributed to the infection being on the way down, says the health director to Nettavisen.

– But do you know how much the closures in the closed chains have reduced the infection?

– We do not have studies that show the effect of the individual measures, but we have seen that the overall measures we have implemented have reduced the infection, Guldvog answers.


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