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Nile fever kills victims! How to deal with it

We have not gotten rid of the coronavirus and new diseases are already arriving: Nile fever kills! Here’s what it is, how the infection occurs and the cases ascertained.

Nothing seems to be going right at the moment, especially when it comes to health! There Nile fever it is a highly contagious disease, whose death rates definitely frighten the population already in difficulty due to the coronavirus. Hard years, with the hope that science and progress can guarantee a glimpse of the future, this is what happened and what we need to pay attention to.

source: created by Canva

In the common imagination it seems that total attention is placed on the coronavirus, when instead there are many other viruses and even more lethal diseases that if in circulation they would devastate human survival.

The aforementioned infection has already led to deaths, in fact at the moment some patients are being monitored to confirm the presence of the disease. The virus is widespread above all in the African continent, but recently it is in Northern Italy that cases and the deaths we are talking about have been found.

Skin rashes, nausea, vomiting and high fever are the symptoms of the infected who manifest them, but in certain situations it is asymptomatic.

Let’s find out who it affects, how and what is the origin of the evil.

Nile fever: cases in Northern Italy, we must prepare

Precisely, it is necessary to prepare for the worst, because the Nile fever it is an established reality, there is no doubt. Already the rise in pneumonia and covid cases is still rocking the globe, this virus was not needed as well. The disease is turning in the Veneto and Emilia Romagna. The first case was in Padua, currently in Modena in the civil hospital of Baggiovara there is another infected. Still in Northern Italy in Vicenza, Verona and Rovigo have been confirmed again. We know better the origin of the infection, and if there are treatments.

Nile fever all you need to know
source: created by Canva

Can a mosquito cause violent encephalitis, fever and neurological disorders? Absolutely yes, and with it birds are also the main source of contagion. The first time a case was ascertained was in Uganda in 1937, in the so-called District of West Nile.

Flaviviridae it is the strain of which the virus is part, and it is lethal to the elderly and people with serious diseases that weaken the immune system. Confirmed outbreaks of infected mosquitoes in the northern cities mentioned above, not a little alarming the communities.

In fact, these insects are the main vectors of the virus, if a person were infected, he could not transmit it to the next, despite symptoms and the high viral load. Furthermore, there is no vaccine that can cure this disease! Therefore, we recommend non-exposure in contexts where mosquitoes nest.

Recently, he is spreading the disease of Marburg which proved to be more lethal than expected. It is good for humanity to take cover, because the health systems of individual countries cannot contain all these epidemics and the current pandemic.

Both in terms of costs and guarantees of social recovery. Waiting for more news, we stay up to date and do not miss the next news from the world.

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