Home » today » News » Nikolay Kharkivsky – the mother of the perpetrator of an accident in Kharkiv made a statement and spoke about the problems with her son

Nikolay Kharkivsky – the mother of the perpetrator of an accident in Kharkiv made a statement and spoke about the problems with her son

The mother of 16-year-old Nikolai Kharkovsky, suspected of a fatal accident on October 26 in Kharkov, told how it became possible that the teenager got behind the wheel of her car. According to the woman, she took the keys and documents with her abroad.

Marina Degtyar told about this in an interview. “Public”… She remembered that in September her son was driving around the city on her previous Dodge car – without a license and with speeding.

“It was a shock for me when I found out that he got behind the wheel of my previous car. I had conversations with him, he was punished [запретом пользования] computer, but when I left I took everything with me – documents, a registration certificate for a car, keys, “- says Degtyar.

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Marina Degtyar

The teen’s mother says she decided to change the Dodge, bought on credit many years ago, because she took it literally weekly to repairs. And Infiniti was advised to her as a more reliable car.

“The car is not new, it had some nuances that needed maintenance. Kolya took her from the service station with a friend, I know it from the words. A friend got behind the wheel as an adult, they had to go to another service station in order to have two conclusions, “she said, how Infiniti ended up with her son.

Marina thinks that older friends taught Nikolai to drive.

“I never taught. I had no idea that he could drive a car. I understood this from the incident when he took the previous car. This was done by the environment, if he spent time, tried to be in a circle in which adults with cars , I understand that he studied there, “suggested the teen’s mother.

Marina thinks that older friends taught Nikolai to drive

She concluded that parents did not enjoy authority with their son.

“Parents should always be an authority for their children, we tried too, but, you know, during the formation, adolescence is hard to keep. In our case, it happened that the environment, the desire for social status became more … him, became an authority for him. Perhaps this is a fatal mistake, which led to this, “- says Degtyar.

The woman assured that she paid for the operation to the Infiniti passenger Elizaveta Dusik, it cost 12 thousand hryvnias. Now he strives to communicate with the family of the deceased Igor Nosov.

We want to humanly apologize, communicate in person. Please contact our lawyers, to us, we are open, “- called the mother of Kharkiv.

Fatal accident in brief

The accident occurred on the evening of October 26 – Infinitimoving at high speed along Odessa street, crashed into a Chevrolet Aveo driving on a legal signal traffic light along Gagarin Avenue. Both cars were literally blown apart.

In an accident the 58-year-old driver of the Chevrolet Aveo died… The Infiniti was driven by Nikolay Kharkovsky born in 2005. Together with him, there were three more young people in the car: Valery Karjakin, 16 year old Elizaveta Dusik and 19 year old Mikhail Baranov, seriously injured and who were in intensive care.

Infiniti passengers before the tragic event filmed on camera the tremendous speed with which the car was rushing… In these shots, Kharkivsky admitted that he accelerated it to 200 km / h.

Road accident map on Odessa street in Kharkov

Over time, the victim Elizaveta Dusik complained about threats because of testimony in the case of an accident… And the sister of one of the injured guys said that her families no complaints and resentment towards the teenage culprit incidents.

What threatens the “major”

In the case of the fatal accident in Kharkov initiated criminal proceedings under Part 2 of Art. 286 (Violation of traffic safety rules or vehicle operation by persons driving vehicles) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Igor Nosov died in this accident

October 28 court arrested a teenager for two months without an alternative to bail… If the fault of Kharkiv is proven, according to the sanction of Article he is threatened up to eight years in prison with or without deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for up to three years.

Although, according to lawyers, there is a danger that the minor culprit resonant accident will escape punishmentunless the media attention is riveted to it. Plus a teenager refused to donate blood for analysis even after the court ruling.

Daughter of Igor Nosov, who died in a high-profile accident, Anastasia considers what happened to be a murder… She also does not believe in the sincerity of Nikolai Kharkovsky’s apologies.

Accident statistics in Ukraine

For ten months of 2021 on the roads of Ukraine recorded more than 154.4 thousand road accidents… According to the Patrol Police, these accidents claimed the lives of 2,592 people, yet 24 905 injured.

Accident statistics in Ukraine in January-October 2021

More than 16.5 thousand road accidents occurred in the country in October, including with the participation of underage drivers. About the most resonant of them, including the accident on Odessa street in Kharkov, read in our material.

Accident statistics in October 2021

As OBOZREVATEL reported earlier, Marina Degtyar stated that her family will accept any court verdict against his son.

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