Niko Saarinen and Outi-äiti share joys and sorrows. One of his future dreams would be for Outi to move closer to Niko in the capital region.
– Niko is not a public person for me, she is always just the mother of my child, Niko Saarinen Outi Mykkänen amount.
Niko Saarinen, 37, came to the public already in 2008. Now, 16 years later, Niko participated with his Outi mother, 60 Race Across the World -reality show.
However, Niko had to think for a moment if he would bring his mother to the public like this.
– Yes, I had to think that if there is negative feedback, how the mother will take it. I wouldn’t want to cause that to anyone on purpose, because I know it’s extremely hard, Niko recalls.
However, Niko guessed that the Finnish people would fall in love with Outi. And so it happened.
– I knew that my mother would be liked and talked about well, even more than me. Now I had to share the limelight with someone else, Niko jokes.

Niko was sure that the Finnish people would like his mother. Inka Soveri
For now, Outi lives with her husband in Lappeenranta. There, he has been able to have conversations with fans of the show in a grocery store.
– Even at the Imatra spa, quite a few people recognized and said: “You look just like Niko’s mother.” I said that I am Niko’s mother, Outi laughs.
– It hasn’t been strange. I like to yell at people and this hasn’t happened that much now, he continues.
Niko alone
Niko is a person about whom different articles are written almost every week. In addition to this, he hosts one of the most listened-to podcasts in Finland, as well as NRJ’s morning, which was recently chosen as radio program of the year. Niko is also a familiar face on television, as he has participated in almost all reality and entertainment programs shown in Finland.
It has been a little special about Outi to notice how similar a person Niko is on the radio to in real life.
– I am completely forbidden from listening to podcasts, but I do listen to the radio. It must be said that Niko is really entertaining. And on the radio, he sounds too much like himself, Outi laughs.
tv-ohjelmia, joissa Niko esiintyy. Lehtiartikkeleidenkin lukemisen hän lopetti kymmenen vuotta sitten."/>Outi doesn’t often watch TV programs where Niko appears. He also stopped reading newspaper articles ten years ago. Inka Soveri
Out’s expression turns serious when we talk about Nikon’s publicity.
– I stopped reading all the news about Niko more than ten years ago. Of course, all the nasty writings about him hurt the most. In the beginning, I cried when I thought how someone I don’t know could write so ugly about my child. They don’t know Niko, they only know his public image, says Outi.
– I think it’s wrong that people think it’s their right to write nasty comments about him, he continues.
Fatigue noticeable
Niko and Out have a close relationship. Even if Niko doesn’t talk about his interpersonal concerns to his mother, publicity and work are things where he can turn to Outi at any moment.
Niko says that the past winter and spring have been exceptionally stressful for him. He has worked a lot, maybe even too much, and has agreed to participate in all kinds of joint ventures and adventures.
– In difficult moments, I have completely collapsed in front of my mother, maybe even more so in recent years. You would think that leather would grow the more it is in the public eye. Here it has been the other way around, I’ve only become more sensitive, says Niko.
– I work really hard and my basic need is to entertain people. Of course, it hurts if someone feels that what I’m doing goes too far or causes a bad feeling, because that’s really not my intention, Niko describes.
Niko likes to open up about his work exhaustion to his mother. However, he preferred to deal with interpersonal concerns with his friends. Inka Soveri
Niko has decided that he will not take on any work projects for the coming summer. He wants to recover and take a vacation.
– As an entrepreneur, you tend to work around the clock when you don’t have proper working hours. Radio is my only job with exact times. It’s also something that sometimes makes my life with morning awakenings quite challenging, along with all the other work, Niko describes.
– I guess I wake up there too, because I love doing it. And it must be said that I probably don’t intend to be a morning radio host for the next 15 years, he continues.
Outi is visibly worried about Niko’s pace of work.
– I have told you many times not to burn yourself out. But you get so excited about everything, and you can’t say no. Suddenly you’re working seven days a week, Outi says to Niko.
Niko listens carefully to his mother’s words.
– On the other hand, it must be said that I have been laying the groundwork for all of this for more than ten years. It would be silly to throw up my hands and announce that I’m ending my career here, Niko reflects.
Moving closer to the boy
A long and successful career in the public eye also brings happy things to the lives of both Niko and Outi. Outi and her husband are currently looking for a joint home in Helsinki so that the mother can be closer to her son.
– I am going to buy an investment apartment that they will rent, Niko opens.
– I have thought that in the future we will start eating Sunday lunches together. I make Niko all the retro dishes from his childhood, since I don’t know how to make these modern delicacies, Outi replies happily.
Outi and her husband have toured around the capital region in apartment displays. One potential apartment has been found in the apartment building where Niko lives.
– My friends have asked if I could live in the same house with my mother. I answered that yes I could and it would actually be fun, Niko laughs.
– It would be great to live near one’s own son. Especially since I’m getting older all the time, Outi-aiti continues.
In the future, Outi would like to spend Sunday lunches together with Niko eating retro food. Inka Soveri
Niko sometimes feels guilty about not seeing his mother often.
– Of course, I also think about my mother’s aging. Sometimes, when that time together is no longer there, one would certainly regret not having kept in touch enough. Living close together would make it possible to spend time together more regularly, Niko sums up, looking at his mother.
After the interview, Niko and Outi’s mother packed their suitcases and headed for a holiday trip to Crete. These are exactly the moments when Niko and Outi get to enjoy their time together in peace.
– Our vacations have no plans or schedules. We want easy and safe holiday destinations where we can just be, Niko concludes.
Makeup and hair: Maria Kiviaho, koutdoor arrangements and Outi’s style: Henna Koste, mekko: Nosh
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