Actor Niklāvs Kurpnieks.
Photo: Screenshot from Instagram.
It has already been reported that Hollywood stars will appear on the stage in the Dailes Theater in the new season by John Malkovich directed play “Leopoldstadt”. It just seems that many actors could only dream of working with the legendary actor and director, meanwhile the Latvian actor Niklavs Kurpnieks has refused such an offer.
In the new season of the Daile Theater – Malkovičs, Rainis and Shakespeare
“Yes, I turned down the opportunity to work for John Malkovich,” Kurpnieks revealed to “Privatā Dzīve” publication.
He says that instead he agreed to star in the new season of Lelde’s and Vlad Kovalov’s multi-series detective movie “Uninvited Guests”.
“He is not half as valuable in my life as Lelde and Vlads Kovalovi. I am still in the acting profession thanks to them. If it weren’t for Kovalev, I would probably have left the theater already. I doubt that if I work for Malkovich, I will immediately be cast in Hollywood films,” he jokes.
John Malkovich stages the play “Leopoldstadt” by the famous British playwright Sir Tom Stoppard at the Daile Theatre. Its premiere will take place on September 15, which will also be the main event of the 104th season of Daile Theatre.
Read the entire interview with Niklāvas Kurpnieks in the September 5 “Privatā Dzīve” issue!
2023-09-07 04:40:11
#PHOTO #Latvian #actor #Niklāvs #Kurpnieks #declined #offer #work #Hollywood #star #John #Malkovich