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“Nikki Haley Faces Uphill Battle in South Carolina Primary Against Trump”

Nikki Haley Faces Uphill Battle in South Carolina Primary Against Trump

In what seems to be an uphill battle, former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley is preparing for a potential blowout loss in her home state’s primary election in South Carolina on Saturday. Despite the looming defeat, Haley has vowed to stay in the fight against Donald Trump until at least after Super Tuesday’s slate of more than a dozen contests on March 5. She refuses to quit, declaring, “I refuse to quit.”

However, the odds are stacked against Haley. Polls suggest that she is a major underdog in her home state and the 16 Super Tuesday contests to follow. Every previous attempt by a Republican to halt Trump’s rise has failed, making Haley’s chances seem slim. Nevertheless, she remains committed and determined to challenge Trump’s candidacy.

Some Republicans are encouraging Haley to stay in the race, even if she continues to lose. They believe that she should remain a contender until the Republican National Convention in July, especially if Trump faces legal troubles or another major scandal. As Trump’s “Make America Great Again” movement pushes for Haley’s exit, she defiantly likens Trump to Democratic President Joe Biden, criticizing both as being too old, too divisive, and too unpopular to be the only options for voters this fall.

Haley’s campaign is not backing down despite the challenges she faces. Her team is spending over $500,000 on a new television advertising campaign set to run in Michigan ahead of the state’s primary on February 27. Additionally, Haley has an extensive travel schedule planned after the South Carolina primary, with stops in Michigan, Minnesota, Colorado, Utah, Virginia, Washington, D.C., North Carolina, and Massachusetts. She also has several high-dollar private fundraising events lined up.

Despite her underwhelming performance at the polls, Haley’s campaign has been able to raise significant funds. This reflects ongoing Republican concerns about Trump’s ability to win over independents and moderate voters in the general election, as well as their worries about his leadership should he return to the White House. Haley’s team has raised $11.5 million in January alone, surpassing Trump’s fundraising efforts for that month.

Some Republicans, like Eric Levine, a donor who co-hosted a New York fundraiser for Haley, are committed to supporting her until the convention. They believe that there is value in her staying in the race and gathering delegates, especially if Trump stumbles or faces legal repercussions. Haley’s financial advantage and persistent fundraising efforts give her a fighting chance despite the odds.

Trump, on the other hand, is not pleased with Haley’s refusal to back down. He has resorted to personal insults on social media, calling her “stupid” and “birdbrain.” Earlier in the month, he even targeted Haley’s husband, who is currently serving in the South Carolina Army National Guard in Africa. Despite these attacks, Haley remains resolute and undeterred. She refuses to let fear of Trump’s retribution dictate her actions.

Trump, eager to focus on a general election matchup against Biden, is taking steps to assume control of the Republican National Committee (RNC), which is supposed to remain neutral in presidential primary elections. He plans to install his campaign’s senior adviser, Chris LaCivita, as RNC’s chief operating officer, and his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, as the committee’s co-chair. There is an expectation that current RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel will step down after Trump wins South Carolina’s primary.

Haley’s team concedes that there is little they can do to stop Trump’s takeover of the RNC. However, Haley warns against letting Trump use RNC funds to pay for his legal fees while taking a short-term view of his political prospects. With 91 felony charges pending across four separate criminal cases, there is a real possibility that Trump could be a convicted felon before the election. Haley questions how he can win a general election while dealing with ongoing legal issues.

As Haley battles against Trump, Democratic President Joe Biden remains unfazed by the matchup. When asked whether he preferred to go up against Haley or Trump this fall, Biden simply replied, “Oh, I don’t care.” The president seems confident in his ability to face either candidate.

Despite the challenges and the odds stacked against her, Nikki Haley remains determined to challenge Donald Trump’s candidacy. Her refusal to quit and her commitment to staying in the race until at least after Super Tuesday show her unwavering resolve. Only time will tell if her persistence pays off or if Trump’s dominance will continue.


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