Home » today » Sport » Nigrán offers Carlos Núñez in Monteferro also in a vermouth session

Nigrán offers Carlos Núñez in Monteferro also in a vermouth session

The Nigrán Town Council is offering this Sunday, August 4th, at a vermouth session (11:00 am) the last opportunity to see this summer the best bagpiper in the world on the best stage in the world: Carlos Núñez at the Monteferro viewing point playing towards the Atlantic Ocean, the Cíes Islands and Estelas. The show, which is part of the summer programme of the Nigrán Town Council and has the support of the Pontevedra Provincial Council through line 2 of the +Provincia Plan, has sold out the capacity for the evening sessions this Saturday and Sunday. Tickets for this new event are on sale through Ataquilla at a price of €25.

This midday performance will be special because attendees will be able to participate in a free vermouth at the end of the concert courtesy of the Galician brand Peregrino and a guided tour by Manuel Santos-Estévez (archaeologist from the CSIC) to one of the best preserved podomorphic petroglyphs in Galicia, located in Monteferro, full of legends and stories, and with spectacular views of the entire bay. In addition, the public will participate in the raffle for a trip to Ireland for 5 people including a rental car, all courtesy of Brittany Ferries. Precisely, this company that connects the Atlantic ports and for which Carlos Núñez recorded the “Celtic Sea” symphony in 2023 in tribute to its 50 years of existence, will take the opportunity to record a video of the concert and project it on all its ships (it registers 3 million passengers a year).

The aim of the international bagpiper (as every year since 2020 with his tour “Lugares Máxicos”) is to enchant the audience thanks to the special synergy of his music with nature and the moment of twilight. The novelty of this edition is precisely the album “Celtic Sea” and that during this vermouth session, between the sound of prehistoric instruments and to take us back to their origin, the writer Francisco Narla will read a short fragment of his acclaimed novel “Breo: o celta que desafiou Roma”.

It should be noted that, in order to respect the uniqueness of this natural space as much as possible and to do so without any impact, chairs will only be reserved for people with justified mobility problems, since the objective is to enjoy the music sitting on the ground itself, in an intimate atmosphere and in communion with nature itself.

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