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Nightlife entertainment grew in December and consolidates its recovery

After the hard time the night entertainment sectors were going through due to the pandemic and restrictions, this month they recovered and from some areas indicated that the improvement reached 80% compared to last month.

The unfavorable panorama that existed in the night sector seems to have been left behind with the arrival of December is that some sectors affirm in November that they feared the disappearance of some places due to the lack of customers and the predominance of the fifths.

From the Provincial Chamber of Businessmen of Events of Corrientes (Capeec) they indicated that the situation improved a lot in a short time and people approach, request a budget and specify the event without problems.

“It has improved a lot, I would tell you that 80% have events every day. There are events that happen from one week to the next and it is happening throughout the sector, there are year-by-year farewells in companies, birthdays, weddings because they want to get married before 2022 begins, ”said Silvia Cubillas, president of the entity.

“We have a lot of demand and they consult for the next months we also have a great improvement. We maintain prices and we will do so until January or February and in March we would increase but we will see how inflation is “.

For his part, he indicated that an event of 100 people costs 300,000 pesos with DJ, decoration and others, in what would be a standard menu. “People spend a million or two million pesos on events, that’s common. Hopefully the vaccine will help, because I think that whoever has it is protected, ”Cubillas told El Litoral. He also reported that the smallest room costs at least 15,000 pesos and large venues could reach up to 100,000 pesos.

The Secretary of Tourism, Culture and Sports, Juan Esteban Maldonado Yonna, with respect to the issue had said in October that the actions that make work in that sector in a safe and careful manner were analyzed.

“We have all made a very great effort to be where we are and above all they spoke of the authorizations with the members of the Chamber for joint work in order to enhance the activity,” he said.

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