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Night train: a new start

the essential
The President of the Republic wishes to “redevelop night trains”, abandoned by the SNCF for more than thirty years. The Region and users hope for a real investment plan for this economical and ecological mode of transport.

The night train is about to make its big comeback in France. Gradually abandoned by the SNCF, this mode of transport will be relaunched as part of the ecological transition policy. This is what the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron announced on July 14: “We are going to redevelop the night trains. Because it saves money and reduces our CO2 emissions. The head of state also wants to strengthen small lines and rail freight. Good news greeted by Carole Delga, the president of the Occitanie Region, who has been fighting for years to maintain night rail links.

But this return to the foreground will require financial resources from the State. The current network is in decline. In the eighties, more than 500 cities of the Hexagon were served by a night train. In the early 2000s, sixty-seven were still in circulation daily. Today, only two lines are operated by SNCF. One concerns Occitanie with the Paris – Toulouse – Rodez – Latour-de-Carol link, and the other the South-East of France with a Paris – Briançon.

Two private companies also operate a Paris-Venice (operated by the Italian Thello) and two Paris-Moscow and Nice-Moscow routes are operated by the Russian company SZD. Too little in a country which has staked everything on the development of its high-speed network – forgetting Toulouse in passing – and which has abandoned its night trains and the less profitable “small” lines, which are nevertheless essential to opening up our territories.

Very mobilized in its fight in favor of rail, the Region is therefore hoping for a revival and real resources. Its main demands: “the maintenance of a daily Paris – Rodez and Paris – Latour-de-Carol service, the sustainability of Paris – Cerbère (50% funded by the Region), the return of services to Narbonne”. The community also wants the re-establishment of Paris – Tarbes and a Perpignan – North-East of France service.

Another essential element, the modernization of the rolling stock, considered “old, very noisy, with basic comfort. The Region cites Austria as an example, which has decided to put the package on night links with new equipment (see below).

A necessary investment of 1.5 billion euros

Because to win back French travelers, the night train will need new services, a regular, punctual service and a qualitative offer (comfort of sleeper cars, installation of wifi, etc.), not to mention the price argument. It is under these conditions that this mode of transport can really compete with the plane.

While waiting to know the intentions of the public authorities, Minister Jean-Baptiste Djebbari has already mentioned the relaunch of two lines “by 2 022”, which would be Paris-Nice and Paris-Tarbes. A report is in preparation for the end of the summer.

On the side of users, we applaud the announcement of the Head of State but we are waiting for actions and funding. The collective “Yes to the night train! Estimates the investment required at 1.5 billion euros by 2,030 to create 15 new national lines – with 750 new or renovated cars – and 15 new European lines co-financed by different countries. A question of political will.

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