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Night of Excellence SOFITEX 2024: 72 glorified “frontline fighters” of advisory support

The “Night of Excellence” of the Burkinabè Textile Fiber Society (SOFITEX) took place at the Bobo2010 multipurpose room, on Thursday February 29, 2024, under the presidency of the Governor of the Hauts-Bassins region, Mariama Konaté /Gnanou.

The first of its kind, this 2024 edition was dedicated to agents of the support-advisory system in supporting cotton producers during the 2023/2024 campaign. These are agents from the Cotton Correspondents (CC), Specialized Cotton Technical Agents (ATCS) and Cotton Technical Agents (ATC). Three winners per professional body were awarded in each of the 08 cotton regions comprising the Burkinabè Society of Textile Fibers (SOFITEX), i.e. 09 winners per region. This gives a total of 72 agents whose merits were recognized and magnified during this “Night of Excellence”. These winners were selected on the basis of “around twenty criteria”, according to Abdouramane Thiombiano, Director of cotton production and President of the organizing committee. They received not only congratulations and encouragement from the Governor, the Director General, former Directors General, and the Chairman of the Board of Directors (PCA) of SOFITEX, but above all they left with their hands full of gifts, the smile on his lips, eyes sparkling with joy. Prices are the same for different trades. In addition to these official prizes to these lucky winners, special prizes (certificates) were awarded to Provincial Unions of Cotton Producers (UPPC).


Rank official prices
1st 250,000 FCFA, a certificate, a personalized briefcase, a box of soap, a can of Savor oil
2nd 150,000 FCFA, a certificate, a personalized briefcase, a box of soap, a can of Savor oil
3rd 100,000 FCFA, a certificate, a personalized briefcase, a box of soap, a can of Savor oil

According to Director General of SOFITEX, Boubacar Sidiki B. Seye, “The Night of Excellence aims to salute the merit of these men and women who, despite the difficulties they face in this period of insecurity, are fighting day and night to provide our valiant cotton producers with the usual advice in following the technical route.” And to “tell them that it is on them that the program to revive cotton production that SOFITEX intends to begin from now on rests,” he added.
B. Jérôme Dabiré, Cotton Correspondent at the Houndé Cotton Region Directorate and spokesperson for the winners, expressed their thanks to the SOFITEX Executive Board. “Tonight we are very happy; we appreciated the event which was able to magnify excellence and efforts in these times of insecurity. This prize for me is an invitation to do better, to persevere in self-sacrifice, in professional work, in work well done for the development of cotton cultivation,” he said. He also urges all SOFITEX workers to redouble their efforts so that by 2028, seed cotton production in Burkina Faso reaches 1,000,000 tonnes.
If the cotton sector has evolved unevenly in recent years, “since the arrival of the CEO, Boubacar Sidiki Babilé. Seye, hope has returned to the ranks of the support-advisory system,” believes B. Jérôme Dabiré. As proof, the initiative of this Night of Excellence dedicated to them. Governor Mariama Konaté/Gnanou speaks in the same direction. For her, the institution of this Night of Excellence testifies to “your spirit of initiative”, she says to DG Seye whom she describes as “VDP of the cotton sector”. She wishes to see this activity continue, which creates healthy competition between workers. We can believe that she will win her case, since the chairman of the SOFITEX Board of Directors, Fidèle Nikiéma, promises that in the years to come the Night of Excellence will be extended to other trades.

Aly Konate
[email protected]

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