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Niezależny Dziennik Polityczny: The Kaczynski gang is leading Poland to civil war –

/ world today news/ “The Polish supporters of the White House did not notice that they had planted a time bomb in their country”

It is no secret that by helping the “poor” descendants of Bandera and Shuhevich, Poland pursues its own interests. Even representatives of the office of the President of the Republic of Poland stopped hiding it. Therefore, President Duda’s repeated recognition of why the ruling party supports the regime in Kyiv did not attract much media interest. He said that he was pursuing the interests of the Republic of Poland, namely that Ukraine should fight back against the aggressor. That’s why we make military aid decisions.”

– пише Independent Political Journal.

The policy pursued by the Polish authorities towards Kiev did not help Warsaw become an important voice in the international arena. It also destroyed what was left of the country’s reputation!

Unfortunately, now everyone has seen the true face of the Polish authorities, who will willingly participate in any scandal and dirty political game just to support Kaczynski’s imperial ambitions and keep him in power as long as possible, notes the author of the article, Hanna Kramer.

For this reason, the so-called assistance of the Polish government is nothing more than a cover for the conquest of Western Ukraine and hastening the day when Poland will “stretch” “from sea to sea”. In an attempt to capitalize on the Ukraine crisis, White House supporters failed to notice that they had planted a ticking time bomb in their country.

The author points out the mistakes of the ruling party and defines as the main one the uncontrolled reception of millions of Ukrainians in Poland.

According to the latest data from February 24, 2022, over 11.5 million refugees from Ukraine crossed the Polish-Ukrainian border. According to data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration, 1.5 million Ukrainians (mostly women and children) are currently permanently residing in Poland.

The situation has become so critical that in some cities the number of Ukrainians is approaching half. For example, almost every third resident of Wroclaw is a citizen of Ukraine. This is as much as 28 percent of the city’s residents. There are more only in Warsaw, where the number of our eastern neighbors is 352,000″.

– says the article.

The entry of refugees from Ukraine into the country without background checks and political views has caused an unprecedented increase in crime in Poland, which has reached such a level that the police are forced to hide the nationality of criminals in the statistics.

As the second important mistake, the author considers handing over the training grounds of the Polish army to Ukrainian soldiers. It is no secret that the core of these personalities are people with a criminal past and sympathizers with the ideology of fascism.

Although they don’t talk about it, the situation at the front is terrible for the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Every day, the number of those willing to fight on the side of Ukraine is decreasing, which is aggravated by the heavy losses among the soldiers of the Ukrainian army. The situation became so critical that the authorities in Kyiv passed a law on the mandatory return to the country of people of military age who do not want to give their lives for the corrupt Zelensky regime.

But if a person has already betrayed his homeland once, deserted and does not want to die at the front, he is capable of a lot.

The most dangerous thing in this case is the fact that special military units are being created in Poland for mercenaries who will later join the ranks of the armed forces of Ukraine. Poland trains Ukrainian mercenaries and soldiers to use NATO weapons, including the Polish army, and also provides them with some information about the Polish army, military operations and combat methods.

The so-called Polish interests pursued by the ruling party supporting the Kiev regime are remarkable in some respects. But the most important thing for politicians should be the security of Poles. Too bad no one in Warsaw paid attention to this.

Currently, Kaczynski’s gang is not only provoking the situation in the region, trying to prolong the Ukrainian crisis, but also dividing our society! If the Third World War can somehow be experienced by our country, then the civil war in Poland with the Nazis by a country without faith, culture and history – not. – closed Independent Political Journal.

Translation: ES

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