Home » today » Business » NielsenIQ: The profile of the Greek buyer in organized food retailing – 2024-04-06 23:43:28

NielsenIQ: The profile of the Greek buyer in organized food retailing – 2024-04-06 23:43:28

The amount of the household’s monthly shopping expenditure at the supermarket, which was calculated by the respondents in the NielsenIQ survey, amounts to 329 euros, increased by 5% compared to the previous year, being the highest price of the last four years, as reflected in the research.

Regarding the profile of the person who buys in the organized food retail trade, she is a 39-year-old woman, a little younger than the average age of the population in the country, which is 42 years, and a person who is mainly responsible for the majority of the purchases in the household.

NielsenIQ’s survey results were presented at the annual Shopper Trends conference, attended by over 200 industry and retail executives representing 38 companies from the food retail industry.

The main purchases of the household are made on a weekly basis, while correspondingly, supplementary/emergency purchases are made on average 2 times a week, in stores of not one, but more than 2 different retail chains.

Greece is still lower than the European average, which is 352 euros, but higher than markets with a larger GDP, such as Germany, with the latter’s ranking being explained by the strong presence of large discount stores and the wide range of options in private label products.

Fresh fruits and vegetables, starchy foods and dairy products

Regarding the product categories that were found with the greatest frequency in the buyer’s basket, they were the basic food items, mainly with fresh fruits and vegetables, starchy categories and other dairy products.

However, the driving force, or rather the reason for the shopper to start their journey, was by a significant margin fresh meat and poultry, fresh fruit & vegetables and fresh milk. On the contrary, with the lowest index were found product categories that, despite their possible high participation in the buyer’s basket, do not seem to be a motivation for making the purchase trip, such as snacks, chocolates / cookies and soft drinks.

Prices rise against consumers

Finally, regarding the issue of prices and offers, with a disarming universality, buyers state that they feel prices are rising, and as a mechanism to contain their budgets is mainly their focus on the supply of basic items and the limitation of possible luxuries.

In fact, almost 2 out of 3 buyers state that they have a satisfactory knowledge of the prices of the products in their basket and buy on a regular basis and with the vast majority of them being able to perceive any price changes.

As far as promotions are concerned, these seem to affect loyalty to brands as well as to stores, with 1 in 4 shoppers stating that they change either brand or store, depending on which one has the best offers for their specific shopping trip.

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