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Nicole Minetti icon on TikTok, twenty-year-olds rebel: “She is not an example to follow”

Perhaps she will even return to television, as Novella 2000 claims, in the meantime she has returned to social networks, even if she has not really returned: Nicole Minetti is everywhere on TikTok and on Twitter (here possible reasons) but not in the first person. At the moment she doesn’t have a profile but her videos, the audio of her voice and her images are used and reused to create memes of all kinds, especially dedicated to school, university and the world of work.

Nicole Minetti is undoubtedly slayas the younger ones say to indicate something that is cool, cool, that “rocked”, that it’s beautiful as hell (slay in English means to kill). Or maybe not? Perhaps not all girls and boys agree that Nicole Minetti is slay.


Shortener in short: who is the TikToker who summarizes very long videos

by Emanuele Capone

tiktok: Ludovica Barba’s video on Nicole Minetti

Nicole Minetti, twenty-year-olds scolding twenty-year-olds

Scrolling through your TikTok feed you come across numerous videos in which 20-year-olds yell at other 20-year-olds about this, reminding them why and how Nicole Minetti became famous and why it wouldn’t be an example to follow.

There are two in particular Ludovica Barba e di Gabriele Piconewhich together they raised almost 700 thousand views in less than a daywhich essentially say the same thing: Barba starts from the well-known t-shirt Without t-shirt I’m even better to remember the trial for aiding and abetting child prostitution and above all invites peers to inform yourself well before speaking; Picone recalls Minetti’s conviction (precisely for aiding and abetting) and above all points out that “if an old man had done these things or a less beautiful woman would have been sleazy, anti-feminist and anti-gender.”

In the hundreds of comments on their videos we understand that indeed there was (and still is) a need for some clarification, because there are many who write and ask “but who is this Nicole Minetti?”. Receiving answers that are not always precise.

He trend

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tiktok: Gabriele Picone’s video on Nicole Minetti

Nicole Minetti, what she did and why she became famous

But so, who is this Nicole Minetti? How did she become a public figure? His name ended up in the newspapers in October 2010, for an affair that had begun a few months earlier: on 27 May of that year he went to the police station in Milan, at the request of Silvio Berlusconi (who was then Prime Minister), to take in foster care an underage girl who called herself Ruby Heartbreakeraccused of theft and quickly released after a phone call from the former Knight.

Minetti has always denied being friends with Ruby (a Moroccan citizen whose real name is Karima El Mahroug) and also for having given her hospitality, despite the fact that the girl had been entrusted to her by the juvenile judge.

And yet, they then took off from this affair the so-called Rubygate and the resulting trials: in 2019 the Court of Cassation confirmed Minetti’s sentence of 2 years and 10 months in prison for aiding and abetting prostitution (not served behind bars, obviously). Minetti was regional councilor for the PDL in Lombardy from March 2010 to October 2012, she moved to Ibiza in 2013 and began a career as a deejay, which would still be her profession today. At least until she becomes an influencer, that is.


#Nicole #Minetti #icon #TikTok #twentyyearolds #rebel #follow
– 2024-04-07 08:22:07

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