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Nicole Kidman – the Australian desert rose that bloomed among Hollywood stars

Over the years, many people dreaming of fame have somehow managed to touch the glamorous Hollywood sky, but not all of them have become real stars, shining with their own light. However, when it comes to Nicole Kidman, one thing is for sure – she is a real movie legend! There are few women in the industry who can boast of her innate class and style, with which viewers will invariably associate her name forever, along with, of course, her undeniable talent in front of the camera, which secured her a permanent place in the A-League of Actors. However, it is not in vain that director Olivier Daan entrusts the image of Grace Kelly in the film “The Princess of Monaco”, which many popular ladies in show business have longed for. So, what woman doesn’t want to be a princess, even if only on the set?

Yes, ever since she first appeared on the big screen, the audience has been completely captivated by Nicole, who has been in business for almost four decades. Although she initially attracted attention with her performance in the 1986 romantic comedy The Surfer, fame actually caught up with her seven years later with Far, Far Away, in which she partnered with her ex-husband Tom Cruise. in 1995, he finally consolidated his high position with the role of Dr. Chase Meridian in the hit film “Batman Forever”.

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Since then, she has participated in a number of successful productions, including “To Die for the Cause”, “Moulin Rouge”, “The Others”, “From Russia with Love”, etc., and recently added to her biography the series “Big Little Lies”. “and” Cancel “. During her career, she won a large number of awards, and is also the first Australian to be awarded the prestigious Oscar for her extremely convincing incarnation in The Hours.

Despite the ups and downs that fill her personal history, she has never slowed down as she has been dizzying in her life, reaching her 54th birthday today! Now, in her honor, we will present you a few little-known facts about the “Australian Desert Rose”, as the foreign press has repeatedly called it in the past.

She was born in Hawaii

Although she is considered one of Australia’s greatest prides, she was not born there. In fact, Nicole appeared in this world on June 20, 1967 in Honolulu, because at that time her parents Anthony and Janet were temporarily residing in the United States on student visas. And because she was crying for the first time on the island of Oahu, her mother decided to give her a Hawaiian name – Hokulani, which means “star of paradise”. Curiously, she draws her inspiration for him from a baby elephant, named in the same way, who is born the same day at the local zoo.

Not the positive images in the movies make her dream of an acting career

Unlike most of the young girls who worship Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, when she first saw the film, she was fascinated by the Wicked Witch of the West, played by Margaret Hamilton. In later interviews, she said it was her performance. in the film she was inspired to pursue an acting career, her first attempts being in school productions and performances.

During his teenage years, he risked his future

Although she is a world-famous celebrity today, in her youth she risked everything in the name of success, deciding to leave school. Then she turns her back on her education and embarks on the pursuit of her dreams. Fortunately, her move turned out to be a win-win. It wasn’t long before she made her first film, an Australian Christmas production that gave her a place in a television series.

He gives up his ambitions for the sake of his mother

In 1984, when she had just begun to gain popularity in Australia, Kidman threw all commitments aside as her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, a disease her father, a biochemist, had been researching for years during their stay. in America. At that difficult moment, the future star gave up appearing in front of the camera and began studying massages to help Janet on her way to recovery, which eventually happened, allowing the blue-eyed beauty to return to the set.

With his first fee he takes a gift from his parents

I bought a washing machine for my mother and father. Only then did I take a pair of boots for myself, the coolest boots I’ve ever seen in my life.“she told Time.

She asked for a role

Nicole has an unmistakable flair for the bands in which she participates. For example, as soon as she reads the script for “Dying for the Cause”, she realizes that this production will bring her many nominations for various awards, so she searches for director Gus Van Sant’s home phone and has a 40-minute conversation with him, begging him. In the end, her efforts paid off, and her senses did not disappoint her, as she later won a Golden Globe in the Best Actress category for her performance, but when the nominations for the awards The Oscars came out the same year, she suffered a severe blow because her name was not on any of the lists of actors vying for the award. After the Academy ceremony, she received a note from a fan saying, “They robbed you!” It is said that the mysterious man who wrote the message was not anyone but Sean Penn himself.

To receive such praise from an experienced actor like him is just as good as an Oscar nomination.“she says in an interview.

He doesn’t bother to say what he thinks

At heart, I am an independent and free-thinking rebel“, she wrote on her official Facebook page a few years ago and has repeatedly proved the truth of her words. For example, in 2018, receiving the” SAG “award for best actress on stage, she spoke about the need for gender equality in the industry , but also in general.

He likes to live for the moment

Forget the past. You can never predict what the future will be. live now“she told Vogue magazine.”I do not believe in simple and aimless existence. Either you go through life giving yourself completely to it, like every aspect of it, or you are a voyeur. And I’m not like that“.

Here are some of Nicole’s most inspiring quotes:

“When you fall in love, you have to say to yourself: I will give myself completely to it. I love to the strongest degree I am capable of – and why not? Maybe it means that I will suffer, but I am ready to accepts the pain. “

“I don’t like to change with the wind, I like to stick to myself.”

“The hardest thing is to allow yourself to be loved, to accept love and to feel that you deserve it, it’s very difficult. It’s something I learned recently – to allow myself to be loved.”

“If you go through the dark side of life, you will gain much more strength and passion.”

“What’s the point of doing something nice if no one is watching you ?!”

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