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Nicole Belloubet wants to ” remove any doubt deleterious “, after the remarks of the ex-attorney-financial

To get to the financial fairness of the turmoil, the keeper of the seals Nicole Belloubet is mounted to the niche. It should be “remove the doubt deleterious “ born after the remarks of the ex-attorney-financial Eliane Houlette called have suffered “pressure “ during the investigation on the case Fillon, writes Nicole Belloubet in the Sunday newspaper (JDD) the 21 June. The statements of Eliane Houlette “have, rightly or wrongly, distilled doubt on the independence and impartiality of the judiciary in the conduct of this case “, stresses the minister of justice.

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The former prosecutor national financial, retired for a year, was moved on 10 June in front of a parliamentary commission of “control is very narrow “ that would have exercised the attorney general’s office, his authority of direct supervision, in the conduct of investigations launched in full presidential campaign of 2017.

On Friday, she said that the pressures mentioned were “not on the facts alleged against Mr Fillon nor on the merits of the prosecution “but “were of a purely procedural nature “. “Mr. Fillon has not been indicted at the request or under the pressure of the executive power “, she insisted.

The respect of the independence of justice, verified by the CSM

But his first declarations have triggered an avalanche of reactions of policy criticizing the instrumental use of justice in this case highly sensitive. And, in particular, to the right, which sees in it the proof that his candidate was the victim, in 2017, a “pounce” politico-legal.

The president of the Republic Emmanuel Macron has seized for the opinion of the superior Council of the magistracy (CSM), to verify that the Parquet national financier (PNF) was conducted in “serenity, without pressure “ of the executive’s survey of the spouses Fillon.

Affaire Fillon : Macron request to the superior Council of magistracy to verify the independence of the investigation

Emmanuel Macron has decided, on Friday, June 19, to enter for the opinion of the superior Council of the magistracy in order to“analyze if the Floor national financial has been able to exercise its activity in all serenity, without pressure in the framework of a normal dialogue and normal with the prosecutor general’s office “, during its investigation on the matter Fillon.

The Palace reacts, thus, the remarks made by the ex-attorney-financial, Eliane Houlette, who was moved by the “control is very narrow “ that would have exercised the attorney general’s office in the conduct of investigations launched in full presidential campaign of 2017.

“These remarks, which have aroused a stir important, are interpreted by some as revealing of possible pressures that could be exerted on the justice in an open procedure at a critical point in our democratic life “one can read in the communiqué of the presidency. The head of State wants to “remove any doubts on the independence and impartiality of justice in this case.”

“The CSM is, in terms of the Constitution, the body that assists the president of the Republic to guarantee the independence of the judiciary, reports to the minister. It will be able to assess if the hierarchical power of the attorney general of Paris, which is the result of the organization of our “wooden floors to the French,” and is not objectionable in itself, has been exercised in a manner likely to impair the independence of the judiciary. “

The CSM will be able to “to hear all of the protagonists “stresses Nicole Belloubet, which does not exclude the possibility to conduct a judicial inspection, if the Board “considers it necessary “.

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Asked about the independence of the prosecution service, the keeper of the seals repeated to be “favourable “ that the prosecutors are appointed on the advice of the CSM, such as judges. Emmanuel Macron announced a reform in this direction, but it has been postponed sine die.

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