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Nicolás, the neighbor who made 100 blood donations

Within the framework of the National Day of the apheresis platelet donor, the Provincial Blood Department of the Ministry of Health, received and recognized the donor Nicolás Ilieff, in his 100th donation. Nicolás, 55 years old and originally from Córdoba Capital, began donating 15 years ago, and is part of a group of voluntary donors who approach the Provincial Bank periodically..

Regarding the motivation that led him to be a voluntary donor, he highlighted: “Mainly because there is someone who needs it, I am in good health and I have the time, so I did not find reasons why not donating is an option”.

In this regard, Andrea Carpaneto, in charge of the Department of the Provincial Blood System of the Province, stated: “It is a very important day for us, because it is the summary of many years of work by an entire team in order to form and consolidate a group of regular donors. Nicolás is part of this group of volunteers who have been donating platelets since 2009.”

It is worth mentioning that a donation can be whole blood, or some of its components, such as platelets, red blood cells or plasma.

In the latter cases, the donation is carried out through apheresis, a method of blood extraction in which the components of the blood are separated using a machine and the unused components are returned to the body.

“When you donate blood, a small amount of platelets are taken. On the other hand, with this machine, an equivalent of 10 blood donations is extracted,” Carpaneto added.

Monthly, the Bank receives an average of 40 donations of platelets, and about 450 extractions are performed each year. It is worth mentioning that the useful life of this input is 5 days, which is why the solidarity and altruistic act of donation is very important.

On the other hand, and with respect to blood donations, this year some 22 thousand donations have been made, compared to the 17,500 that were reached last year.

“The blood that is donated at the Provincial Bank goes to all patients who require it in the provincial hospitals. Since it is a scarce resource, there is a provincial blood network that ensures that no patient lacks this input,” the reference highlighted.

Blood and its components are used to treat diseases that cause anemia or different types of cancer, as well as for surgical interventions, organ transplants and treatment of accidents, hemorrhages and burns.

It is important to remember that blood is an indispensable resource of permanent need that cannot be manufactured or bought, and voluntary and habitual donation is the safest way to obtain it.

Blood bank

Central Blood Bank of the Province of Córdoba was put into operation in 2008, with the objective of centralizing blood donation with the comprehensive use of human and technical resources, optimizing the quality of blood and its derivatives.

Throughout the year, you can donate blood at the Bank, requesting an appointment by WhatsApp at 351-2480189, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Requirements to donate blood

  • Be between 18 and 65 years old.
  • Weigh more than 50 kg.
  • Feel healthy.
  • Attend with DNI, identity card or passport.
  • Prior rest of at least six hours.
  • Before going for the extraction, you should have a light breakfast with sugary infusions, but do not consume dairy or fats.
  • After the Covid-19 vaccine, you must wait 72 hours to donate. After getting the flu vaccine, wait 24 hours.
  • If you had coronavirus, you must wait 10 days after your medical discharge.

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