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Nicolas Sarkozy he faces a “political justice”?

“I am used to undergoing this harassment for ten years,” hammered the former President of the Republic on TF1 Wednesday March 3, at the 8 pm newscast of TF1, two days after his conviction in the so-called wiretapping affair. Justice persists? How to avoid a doubt settling on the partiality of the judges in a so-called political affair? In The Point of Ideas, broadcast every Sunday at 2 p.m. on LCI, each of the guests – both on the side of lawyers and magistrates -, represented today by Mr.eHenri Leclerc, criminal lawyer, and Katia Dubreuil, president of the Syndicat de la magistrature, calls for a reform of the justice system “even more extensive” than that proposed by Eric Dupond-Moretti, to “restore the bond of trust between citizens and the justice ”.

After the impact of the sentence imposed on Nicolas Sarkozy, Me Henri Leclerc warns in particular about the continuation of the procedure, on appeal: “The violent confrontation that there is currently should not lead the magistrates of the court of appeal to have a personal, human reflex. protection of magistrates. Be careful, he insists. She will have to [la procédure, NDLR] be particularly calm in this matter, both on the principle of guilt and on the penalty. They will have a hard time being calm. “

“The case of the wall of idiots revealed an incredible thing …”

Can we also speak of a judicial harassment against the former president? This is what the right denounces, recalling recently the case of the wall of idiots, as well as the no less famous comparison of Nicolas Sarkozy between magistrates and peas… “The affair of the wall of idiots revealed an incredible thing: the magistrates have political ideas, they vote. They are right or left. It was an incredible scoop, ”retorts with irony the president of the National Judicial Union, Katia Dubreuil. “Judges are not excluded from society,” confirms the lawyer on the plateau today.

READ ALSOCase of “tapping”: the PNF announces that he will also appeal

On the part of the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (PNF), the debate then turned to the recent revelations of the Point, which explain how the PNF had searched, six years during and in the greatest secrecy, a mole infiltrated in the French legal apparatus, able to inform Nicolas Sarkozy and his entourage on current legal proceedings. “We promised from its creation [au PNF] an independence that he never had ”, underlines Marc Leplongeon, journalist at the Point. A public prosecutor’s office therefore centralizes the most sensitive cases […] without having any guarantee of independence, and besides that we only have a handful of judges who collect all these cases. »Would a presumption of bias on the part of the institution then be inevitable in the public debate? Here too, the debates are lively.

How to reduce this lack of trust between a part of the citizens and the magistrates? Should the judges, for example, be elected as in the United States? “In France, it is difficult to get out of the idea that legitimacy can only depend on the election,” underlines Katia Dubreuil. “Is American justice better than French justice? I’m not sure… ”, we also add on the plateau. So many questions debated on stage for this new issue of “Point des idées”.

READ ALSOSarkozy: “What happens to me could happen to any of us”

Have we entered a “health dictatorship”? Has man always worked so hard for his health? Nicolas Bouzou, economist, essayist and author of “Homo Sanitas: history and future of health”, is the guest of the first part of “Point des idées”.

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