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Nicolas Maduro denounces ongoing coup

Caracas. President Nicolás Maduro denounced yesterday that An attempt is being made to impose a coup d’état in Venezuela once again of a fascist and counterrevolutionary nature. I could call it a kind of Guaidó 2.0during the event in which the Venezuelan National Electoral Council (CNE) proclaimed him the winner of the presidential elections held the day before yesterday.

We have already experienced this. We have seen this film. The same film, with a similar script. The protagonists are the same. On the one hand, the people who want peace, democracy, prosperity, progress. And on the other hand, elites full of hate with a fascist counterrevolutionary project.he added, referring to the fact that the opposition Juan Guaidó declared himself legitimate president in 2019, and was recognized by the United States and its allies.

They are already trying out the first failed steps to destabilize Venezuela, this time there will be no weakness. This time in Venezuela the Constitution will be respected, the law will be respected and neither hatred nor fascism, lies or manipulation will prevail.he warned.

He recalled the difficulties of the electoral campaign, such as the permanent assassination attempt. He explained: It was attempted in several circumstances, at the same time that we were talking about the United States government, since May of last year, they tried to assassinate me on five occasions..

They are led by the empire

He stressed that at the international level, those who are now questioning the election result are the same ones who supported previous attempts to force political change, and asserted that they are “the fascist ultra-right, and the same groups led by the US empire.

It is the same fascist far right that has become a cartel today, the entire fascist far right, the Vox group in Spain; Álvaro Uribe Vélez, Iván Duque (former presidents) of Colombia, the fascist Nazi sociopath Argentine president, Javier Milei, the former Brazilian ruler Jair Bolsonaro, the same far right and the same groups led by the US empire.he pointed.

Before his speech, the president of the CNE, Elvis Amoroso, proclaimed Maduro president-elect for the period 2025-2031, and asserted that the Venezuelans expressed their absolute will, electing a constitutional president to Maduro and added that the election It took place in a climate of respect, peace and democratic participation, although some tried to generate violence.

Maduro ran for the ruling coalition Gran Polo Patriótico and obtained 5,150,902 votes, 51.2 percent support, while the main opposition candidate, Edmundo González Urrutia, of the Plataforma Unitaria Democrática (PUD), obtained 4,445,978 votes, or 44.2 percent.

The other eight opposition candidates obtained a total of 462,704 votes, equivalent to 4.6 percent.

The presidential elections had a turnout of 59 percent, according to the CNE.

Three opposition candidates acknowledged the results. Benjamín Rausseo, from the National Democratic Confederation, published a video on his social networks in which he called for respect the referee’s verdict and expressed his back al CNE.

The standard-bearer of Arepa Digital, Daniel Ceballos, congratulated his compatriots and defended that the country is capable of resolve differences through voting.

Along the same lines, Primero Venezuela candidate José Brito emphasized that they had always committed to respecting the official CNE result.

The opposition led by María Corina Machado denounced fraud, and claimed to have How to prove the truth of the election that Edmundo González Urrutia claims to have won. Machado reported that she has in her possession copies of 73 percent of the voting records, which project a victory of 6.27 million votes against 2.75 for Maduro.

The difference was huge, overwhelming, in all the states of Venezuela, in all sectors we won.celebrated Machado.

Attorney General Tarek William Saab linked Machado to the hacking to the electoral system that the CNE denounced the night before adulterate the results of the elections.

The main person involved in this attack would be the citizen Lester Toledo, along with him the fugitive from Venezuelan justice Leopoldo López and María Corina Machado appear involved.Saab told reporters after announcing the start of an investigation.

Toledo is a leader of López’s Voluntad Popular party and is exiled in the United States. López is in exile in Spain. Both are accused in Venezuela of terrorism.

The prosecutor explained that the attack was carried out from North Macedonia and They managed to pause, slow down the reading of the final results bulletin.

Meanwhile, law enforcement cracked down on protests against Maduro’s re-election. And it will fall, and it will fall, this government will fall!shouted protesters who marched in the gigantic popular neighborhood of Petare, the largest in Caracas. Hand over power now!others exclaimed.

Protests were reported in various parts of the capital, where the opposition set fire to various buildings. The Argentine embassy was surrounded by protesters who, according to Machado, were trying to get six opposition members who had taken refuge there out; at the time of this edition there was no one in front of the embassy. And last night, deputy Diosdado Cabello was in front of the Miraflores Palace together with other Chavistas in defense of Maduro’s victory.

Dozens of police officers blocked the path of a caravan that reached the upper-class neighborhood of Las Mercedes and dispersed the protesters.

There were also protests in the interior of the country, AFP reported. In Maracay, in the state of Aragua, one death was reported.

Chavismo called for today to a great march towards Mirafloresthe presidential palace, to defend peace.

Machado and González Urrutia called citizen assemblies in different cities. No further details were given, but the losing candidate distanced himself from the day’s protests.

They do not contribute to this objectivehe stressed at a press conference. There is a lot of indignation and we understand that, but we must remain calm and serene until we achieve victory..

Prosecutor Saab wrote in X that will punish with the maximum penalty those who intend to redeem themselves with impunity and murder protests.

Maduro rejected the unrest and said that it was part of a plan to destabilize the country.

We have been following up on all the acts of violence… With the police-civic-military unionproposed neutralizing them, in a message to the country that was broadcast on state television from the Miraflores Palace.

The president reported that dozens of people were arrested and that 80 percent of those arrested have criminal records.

#Nicolas #Maduro #denounces #ongoing #coup
– 2024-08-01 06:39:50

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