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Nicolás Jarry remembers the praise that Roger Federer gave him at Roland Garros

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In the world of sport, sometimes it is not enough just to be able to reach the finals and win titles. Every once in a while, a few words of encouragement can do any athlete good. Above all, if they come from one of the top idols, as happened to Nicholas Jarry during Roland Garros 2019, after having received an unexpected compliment from Roger Federer.

For the Swiss tennis player it is already part of everyday life to enter a place and for everyone to know who he is, but for young people like Nicholas Jarry When they begin to take their first steps in the professional spheres of tennis, being recognized by a legend like the former number one must be one of the most pleasant moments. Even more so if they are lucky enough to chilean player what He said that Federer congratulated him on his level by assuring him that he was on the right track to continue like this.

“He sees me and says ‘uuy, tough game, but don’t worry, you’re playing well, keep it up and it’s going to come’,” he recalled. Nicholas Jarry citing the comment that Roger had made to him about the final in Geneva that he had lost to Alexander Zverev One week before. Undoubtedly, the South American tennis player could not hide his surprise, after meeting “The Swiss Perfection” at the exit of a training session.

Nicolás Jarry confirms that he will play again in the Challenger of Santiago

After having had an outstanding participation in the team that Chile presented in the Davis Cup on February 4 and 5, “El Príncipe” confirmed that he will return to play the local tournament that will begin on Monday, March 6, to end on March 12. same month.

Nico Jarry confirmed that he will compete again in the Santiago Challenger 2023. Source: (Instagram @nicojarry)

The venue will be the Club Manquehue, in Vitacura, where Nicolás Jarry will share the space with other tennis figures who have already confirmed their participation in the ATP 250, including his compatriot Tomás Barrios, the Argentines Tomás Etcheverry and Facundo Bagnis and the Italian Marco Cecchinato.

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