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Nicolas Cage Opens Up About His Puzzling Cameo in The Flash

The actor spent only a few hours on set and was filming for a completely different scene, which is not in the film.

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Nicolas Cage commented his cameo in The Flash in an interview with Yahoo! Entertainment. He admitted that he was puzzled by his scene because he was filming for a completely different moment.

Cage as Superman was supposed to witness the destruction of the universe, not fight an unknown giant spider.

I was present on the set. They spent a lot of time on the costume, and all I had to do was stand there and watch the universe being destroyed. Kal-El witnessed this, and as you can imagine, I had little time to prepare. I didn’t have any lines, so I tried to convey all the emotions through my eyes. In total, I spent about three hours on the site.

When I came to watch the film, I saw that I was fighting a huge spider. I didn’t do this. I don’t think they used AI in any way, it was just graphics so they could de-age me and show this fight. But I didn’t participate in it, I don’t know what happened there.

Nicolas Cage, actor

According to the actor, he has no complaints about director Andres Muschietti, and Cage noted that he liked both parts of “It.”

In the same interview, Cage talked about artificial intelligence and stated that he would be upset if someone took his work and “appropriated” it.

AI is a nightmare for me. It’s hard to find something more inhuman than AI. However, I don’t think it was used in any way on The Flash. They just used the footage in a different way, and that’s out of my control.

Nicolas Cage, actor

The very scene in which Nicolas Cage’s Superman appears was criticized after the film’s release. Fans swore to poor graphics and generally inappropriate footage that was inserted as fan service without any significance to the plot.

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