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Nicola Zalewski bookmaking scandal: False accusations, huge compensation, and exceptional performance on the pitch

Nicola Zalewski some time ago was accused of playing in illegal bookmakers. It quickly turned out that these were just false accusations. As Zbigniew Boniek revealed on “Kanal Sportowy”, the footballer intends to claim huge compensation.

A high-profile bookmaking scandal recently broke out on the Apennine Peninsula. It turned out that several famous Italian football players were addicted to gambling.

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Nicolo Fagioli and Sandro Tonali, among others, pleaded guilty. Both have been suspended for many months and will not appear on the pitch until 2024 at the earliest.

Controversial Italian celebrity and former paparazzi, Fabrizio Corona, claims that Nicola Zalewski is also involved in the case. However, his informant admitted that he made up the whole story. Now the footballer intends to claim huge compensation, as Zbigniew Boniek reported on “Kanał Sportowy”.

I talked to his manager two days ago. He said they were already preparing a lawsuit. I heard they want 10 million euros. Something has to be done about it, because if they didn’t file a lawsuit, it would mean they accept it – Boniek revealed.

However, a strange thing happened – when they started slandering him and talking about it, his form on the pitch completely changed. He was really good in the last games – he assessed.

This was Nicola Zalewski from 6-8 months ago. In the U-21 national team match, he was definitely the best player of the match – emphasized the former president of the Polish Football Association.

2023-10-29 21:15:59
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