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Nick and Simon about possible break: ‘There are indeed solo plans’ | Stars

entertainment">“There are indeed solo plans from both Nick and Simon,” the statement reads. Furthermore, the management does not want to say anything about the possible break and refers to the broadcast of a woman on August 29 in which the singers ‘tell more about their plans’.

entertainment">Private writes that the rumor is circulating in Volendam that after eighteen years the chemistry between the two singers would no longer be as before and that they ‘both have the need to discover what else showbiz has to offer them as a solo artist’.

entertainment">The news has no consequences for Nick & Simon’s agenda for the time being. “Festival performances, new singles, television programs and the second part of the successful Nick & Simon & Garfunkel Theater Tour are on the agenda for after the summer holidays.”

entertainment">Nick & Simon released their first singles and album in 2006 as a duo. The Volendammers are known for their songs, among other things Look up, Just take my hand in Rosanne. They also regularly appear in television programs and have been part of the supergroup The Streamers since 2021.

entertainment">Read more in the new edition of Privé, which is now in stores: ‘Volendam whispers about the end of Nick & Simon’


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