The United States Embassy in Nicaragua details on its website that applicants whose visa is current or has expired in the last 36 months can opt for the interview exemption process.
Is your visa about to expire? Or recently expired? If so, pay attention, this information is of interest to you. The Embassy of States in Nicaragua announced on its website that the visa requirements are the same, whether you are applying for the first time or renewing it.
What is new is that, if people meet certain requirements requested by the embassy, they will be able to apply to the Interview Exemption Program.
The people who can apply to the program are Nicaraguan citizens or legal residents who hold a valid non-immigrant visa (or one that has expired in the last 36 months) and are applying for the same type of visa.
Likewise, applicants for H2A and H2B visas, either first application or renewal. H visa applicants must submit a document issued by their employer that includes a brief job description and details of the job offer, including benefits and salary.
Did you know that you can now renew your visa without going to an interview? Applicants whose visa is still valid or has expired in the last 36 months can apply to the interview waiver process if they meet certain requirements. Further:
— USEmbassy Nicaragua (@USEmbNicaragua) March 4, 2023
Student visa applicants who have held a previous visa of any visa category may also apply to the program.
There are exceptions for I and L visa categories are not eligible for this program.
Among the requirements to apply
If you are under 14 years of age, you can apply for the first time or renew your visa if you meet the following requirements: be a Nicaraguan citizen or have legal Nicaraguan residence, that your parents (As recorded on the birth certificate) have valid visas.
Persons whose previous application was denied or whose previous visa was canceled or revoked will not be eligible for an interview exemption.
If the person is between the ages of 14 and 79, the requirements are that their previous visa was issued when they were over 14 years old, if it expired no more than 36 months ago or is still valid, and that the visa they you are applying for is the same category as your previous visa.
That the last visa has not been canceled or revoked or your last application has not been denied. Your old passport with your old visa is in your possession and has not been lost or stolen. Likewise, the last visa has been issued in Nicaragua. Among other points.
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If you are over 80 years of age, you can apply for the first time or renew your visa if you meet the following requirements, including being a Nicaraguan citizen or having Nicaraguan legal residence.
You have not been arrested or detained in the United States for any reason (regardless of the final outcome of your arrest) and have not resided in the United States illegally.
You are not eligible for an interview waiver if your previous application was denied or your previous visa was canceled or revoked.
If you meet the requirements, you must complete the application form, also known as DS-160, create your profile at, pay the visa fee and print your payment receipt.
Log in to your profile, go to “schedule your appointment” and follow the instructions, print the confirmation and take your documents to the nearest Trans Cargo Agency. Submit only the required documents. More information read them here.