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Nicaragua pays off a loan of 100,000 Pfizer vaccines with Honduras

Today the Nicaraguan government returned to Honduras the 100,000 doses of Pfizer anticovid-19 vaccines that it had loaned in mid-October, according to Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández himself on his Twitter account. “Solidarity among brother peoples, we received the 100,000 vaccines that a few days ago we lent to Nicaragua,” the Honduran president reported from the social network.

In a press release from the Honduran presidency on October 12, the Honduran president reported that Honduras was going to lend Pfizer vaccines to Nicaragua as an “act of solidarity with that neighboring country.”

The Nicaraguan Air Force plane that transported the vaccines to Honduras. THE PRESS / TAKEN FROM PRESIDENT JUAN ORLANDO HERNÁNDEZ’S TWITTER

«I made the decision with the team of the Ministry of Health to provide 100,000 doses of the anticovid-19 vaccine to Nicaragua, because they do not have it. We must be grateful for those who have helped us in crises. You have to be in solidarity “, remarked Hernández.

Read also: Regime confirms that it will vaccinate pregnant women this Wednesday, with vaccines provided by Honduras

In the same press release, it was specified that Nicaragua would return the loan at the end of this month of October 2021, as happened today, according to Hernández. The vaccines were brought to Honduras by a plane from the Nicaraguan Air Force (FAN).

Lightning loan

The regimen of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo confirmed on Wednesday, October 13, that it would start the vaccination of pregnant women (from the fourth month of gestation), puerperal women and infants, with 100,000 doses of Pfizer vaccines provided by Honduras.

“On behalf of each family that voluntarily goes to the vaccination centers to protect life, we salute and deeply acknowledge this gesture of solidarity and brotherhood of Central American neighbors and peoples,” read the press release published by the regime in the official media. .

The “lightning” loan was necessary due to the delay in the arrival of 89,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine that would be received as a donation through the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) through the Covax mechanism.

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