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Niantic will raise the limit level for Pokémon GO »Hero Network

Actually Niantic has been developing the Pokémon GO Fest 2020, where he has announced, through a video with Matthew Slemon, part of the game’s development team, new features and news that will come to Pokémon GO, among which the most notable will be raising the limit level that currently exists, so that players, in the future, will be able to exceed level 40.

Pokémon GO revolutionized the games in the franchise by incorporating augmented reality features that allowed fans of the series to go out to train as coaches Pokémon. That is why, four years after its release, Niantic is still in full search of renewing the game so that users do not stamp out against monotony and remain active players.

The developer has been planning to add this feature for some time, since they expect players to reach the maximum level differently and not as they currently do. They also want players not to consider reaching the maximum level as the end of the game. Likewise, it was also confirmed that the difficulty of the progress of levels will continue to be difficult, so players must continue putting effort if they want to achieve the last new level, which until now has not been confirmed what it will be.

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