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Nia Daniaty’s Child Says About Using Anies Video at the Inauguration of CPNS Fiktik


Test fraud victim civil servant lying with the reported child Nia Daniaty, Olivia Nathania, alluding to the welcome video DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan at the inauguration ceremony. The victim accused the reported of profiteering. Then, what did Olivia Nathania say?

“I don’t know anything about it and don’t want to comment,” said the woman who is familiarly called Oi at the Polda Metro Jaya, Jakarta, Monday (11/10/2021).

Oi did not comment much on a number of allegations reported by the complainant. Regarding the fake decree provided by Olivia, he again refused to respond.

“I don’t want to comment on that and leave the rest of my lawyers in charge,” Olivia explained.

She only responded to the statement of her husband, Rafly N Tilaar, who claimed to know nothing about the fictitious CPNS test report. She also confirmed her husband’s statement.

Olivia then explained the account belonging to Rafly which was questioned by the complainant. She admitted that her husband’s account had been held by her since the beginning of the marriage.

“It’s true that my husband doesn’t know anything. Not because of his lack of transparency but his status because when I was dating Rafly, he was still in education and when I got married tomorrow he immediately left for work,” he said.

“If the communication is like a newly married person, they don’t say anything about Rafly’s ATM, I allow me to hold my husband’s ATM,” he added.

Olivia Nathania was examined as the reported person in the case report of the alleged fictitious civil servant test today since 12.00 WIB. He was examined for 9 hours and only came out of the examination at 21.00 WIB.

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