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NFL: San Francisco 49ers clean the Green Bay packers

The San Francisco 49ers with their German linebacker Mark Nzeocha and the Kansas City Chiefs will be in the 54th Super Bowl of the National Football League (NFL) on February 2nd in Miami.

The 49ers defeated the Green Bay Packers 37:20 in the semifinals. The chiefs around the outstanding quarterback Patrick Mahomes prevailed against favorite terror Tennessee Titans with 35:24.

Nzeocha is the first German football professional since Sebastian Voller to have the chance to win the Super Bowl. Vollmer was successful with the New England Patriots in 2014 and 2017, but was not used the second time due to injury reasons.

The 49ers could again rely on their strong defense and their running game. Outstanding player in the gold helmets was Running Back Raheem Mostert with four touchdowns and 220 yards of space. At the break, the five-time Super Bowl champion had already taken the lead with 27-0. Kicker Robbie Gould scored three field goals.

For San Francisco, it’s the first time they have participated in the Super Bowl since 2013 – at that time quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s team lost to the Baltimore Ravens. 1981, 1984, 1989, 1990 and 1995, the Californians under the direction of quarterbacks Joe Montana (4) and Steve Young won.

Kansas stops the favorite fright

Mahomes led the Kansas City Chiefs into the Super Bowl for the third time in their history with an outstanding performance. The 24-year-old threw three touchdown passes and also gave the game a decisive turn just before the break when he scored a touchdown with an improvised run and put his team in the lead with 21:17.

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The Titans had previously defeated New England Patriots and Baltimore Ravens, the best team of the regular season, with away wins. In Kansas City they led 10: 0 and 17: 7, but in the end Mahomes was unstoppable. In contrast, Tennessee’s Runnick Back Derrick Henry only gained 69 yards of space.

For the Chiefs, it is the third time they have participated in the National Football League (NFL) final. In 1970 they won the Super Bowl against the Minnesota Vikings, three years earlier they had lost the first ever Super Bowl against the Green Bay Packers.

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