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NFC technology: SAF-Holland turns smartphone into workshop assistant

In all cases where the previously common QR code on the chassis cannot be scanned or there is no workshop pit available, SAF-Holland will in future use the widely accepted standard technology of Near Field Communication (NFC). NFC chips installed in both hubcaps of each axle, safely protected from external influences.

The chips are read via the SH CONNECT app: If the application is opened and the NFC function is activated, the smartphone recognizes the NFC chip contactlessly at a distance of just a few centimeters. Users receive all available product information in the app, such as instructions for installation, operation, operation and repair, as well as certificates and brochures, documentation and videos for the correct installation and removal of the identified product.

Save time, money and manpower

The clear identification of spare parts is important in order to be able to carry out repairs properly and in a short time. Near Field Communication prevents the wrong parts from being ordered and the repair from being delayed by returning or exchanging incorrectly ordered parts. No one in the workshop needs to leaf through catalogs or update spare parts lists anymore – the SH CONNECT app provides up-to-date information at all times.

This saves time, money and manpower, increases safety and gets the trailer back on the road quickly. Workshops or shipping companies do not incur any acquisition costs for hardware or software. Information within the app can also be shared with third parties via email or chat, which avoids input errors. The only requirement for access to the digital world of the axes are a Smartphone and internet access.

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