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Neymar soul torture: is the kicking the fault of the style or because of me?_Caen

Original title: Neymar soul torture: Is the kicking the fault of the style or because of me?

In the French Cup against Caen yesterday morning, Neymar was kicked again. Due to an injury to the adductor muscle of his left thigh, Neymar is expected to truce for 4 weeks. On Instagram, Neymar admitted that he was crying again. Neymar sent out a soul torture about his repeated kicks.

“I’m very sad, I’m very painful, I can only keep crying. Football is the love of my life, but once again I have to truce from injury for a while.” Neymar wrote, “Sometimes, people will be because of me. The style of the game is uncomfortable. I like dribbling, and I always get fouled. I don’t know whether the problem is with me or my style. It makes me sad, and I also hear some players , Coaches or commentators. They said that I was fouled by myself. Let me cry and cry and say that I am a spoiled kid. These make me even more sad. To be honest, I don’t know I’m still How long can it be. I just want to keep playing happily, nothing more.”

Caen coach Duplas criticized Neymar, saying, “I will not cry and ask for a penalty. Let Neymar do the crying.” These words caused Duplas to be violently bombarded by Neymar’s father.

“Yes, my son must cry, but not for the reasons you said. He must cry because of your coach, the referee at that level, the league that ignores the safety of players, and the prejudice Referee and coward.” Old Neymar wrote on Ins, “Yes, he must cry…”Return to Sohu to see more


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