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Next World Breast Cancer Day: October 19

I would like to convey a message of hope to all the women of Galicia and of course to all women in general.

Many lives are saved by breast cancer screening programs. It is not a cliché. On August 21 I had a mammogram and on September 10 they called me from the Meixoeiro hospital telling me that I was going to receive a registered letter and it did. That letter indicated that I had to repeat and expand the test already practiced, so Sergas booked me an appointment on October 14 at 10 a.m.

Only the women who have received this letter know how I could have felt those days. The feeling is indescribable, any feeling of: anguish, bewilderment, fear, disbelief, denial and previous anxiety did not resemble what I felt those days …

And they did find something, but that something turned out to be benign in this case, that day of course I was born again. But if it had been malignant, I’m sure it would have been detected in time and the treatment would save my life.

This new experience has made me reflect on many things:

The first is that our health system works very well, that breast cancer detection and treatment programs (Xunta de Galicia / Sergas) are essential and that they work to save lives and cannot do better (great people and great professionals).

And the second is that there are wonderful people unknown until that moment who help you to be strong and move forward without asking anything in return, generous people who have never crossed your path before.

My thanks to Ana from the Vigo Post Office and her supervisor. Thanks to the entire team of the Meixoeiro breast unit for having been so loving, understanding and magnificent professionals.

And thanks to those loved ones who were by my side these days giving me encouragement and suffering indefatigably with me.

Much encouragement to all, of course: together we will overcome it.

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