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next week, as early as Monday 8 August something significant may happen; updates »ILMETEO.it

Weather: next week, as early as Monday 8 August something significant may happen; updates

Summer could take a temporary break …

Weather forecast for next weekImportant news comes from the latest updates in view of the next week: already from Monday 8 something significant can happen with the return of thunderstorms also accompanied by hail on various regions of our country.

To better understand what to expect, we must as usual broaden our gaze to the entire hemispherical chessboard, where the great atmospheric figures move: cyclones (full of bad weather) and anticyclones (more stable and warm).

Well, the ascent of the Azores Anti-Cyclone towards northern latitudes, as far as Scandinavia, would trigger in response the descent of fresher and more unstable air in descent from north-eastern Europe towards the Mediterranean basin. Here, therefore, that already from the afternoon of Monday 8 August, the chances of a first course increase storm break over the Alps and the nearby plains of Piedmont, Lombardy and Veneto.

The most interesting news, however, concerns the second part of the week: the flow of cooler currents will continue also in the following days, giving way to a configurative release after many weeks of atmospheric calm. Seen i strong thermal contrasts between the pre-existing air, red-hot from the previous days, and the new one arriving, decidedly fresher, we do not exclude the risk of extreme weather events with the possibility of local hailstorms and gusts of wind as well; this time the worsening will be able to break through to the regions of Center-South causing thunderstorms, even of strong intensity, first on inland areas, then in extension towards the coasts. In this context, temperatures will undergo a significant decrease, thanks to winds from the northern quadrants.

For the exact location of the thunderstorms it will naturally be necessary to wait a few more days as the trajectory of the unstable currents is currently uncertain; for this reason, other sectors could also be involved.
For now we can say that the warm anticyclone is likely to suffer a nice break …

More unstable downward air currents from north-eastern Europe: risk of severe thunderstormsMore unstable downward air currents from north-eastern Europe: risk of severe thunderstorms

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