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Next Mobilization Meeting Against GMOs: Join the Resistance in the Poitiers Meetings on September 23 and 24

Home > News > GMOs: the Poitiers meetings on September 23 and 24



✍ Register for the next mobilization meeting against GMOs: “GMOs, pesticide plants, patents on living things: in the face of the agro-industry offensive, let’s strengthen the resistance!” 🗓 September 23 and 24 Poitiers

These two days of conferences, organized by the Zero GMO collective, to which the Confdération paysanne belongs, take place in the Salons de Blossac, Poitiers. Farmers and activists from the Co,nfdération paysanne will take part in debates and conferences.

History of the fight against GMOs, regulation of new genomic techniques currently being negotiated at the European level, privatization of living things and monopolization of water resources, solution for peasant agriculture and healthy food… These two days of conference, debate and round tables will be an opportunity to recall the importance of our mobilization, and to initiate discussions on methods of action to fight against these agro-industrial techniques which threaten peasant agriculture and the right to healthy food.

Saturday September 23 – from 9:30 a.m. until late night

Sunday September 24 – from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Salons de Blossac, 1 alle Roger Tagault – Poitiers

For any additional information: [email protected]

For download:

The complete program

#GMOs #Poitiers #meetings #September

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