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Next EU foreign affairs chief says “China is a systematic rival”… Forecast of strong attack for the next 5 years

[런던=뉴스핌] Correspondent Jang Il-hyeon = Kaya Callas (47), the European Union’s (EU) High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security, pointed out China as a systemic rival on the 23rd (local time) and said, “The biggest priority in relations with China is the EU’s geopolitical issues.” , protecting economic security,” he said.

The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security is called one of the EU’s ‘big three’ positions, along with the Permanent President of the EU Summit and the President of the European Commission, and oversees the EU’s foreign affairs, defense, and security sectors.

Kaya Callas, European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Affairs [사진=로이터 뉴스핌]

In his response to the confirmation hearing sent to the European Parliament on this day, nominee Callas said regarding China, “The most urgent challenge is the structural imbalance between the EU and China created by support for Russia and China’s non-market policies and practices.”

China is accused of excessively subsidizing domestic industries, flooding global markets with cheap products, enacting discriminatory laws against foreign companies and stealing sensitive technologies,” he said.

“We will do our best to defend the EU’s values ​​and protect its interests against systemic competitors,” he said.

Euraktive, an EU specialized media outlet, evaluated the tone as “a stronger tone compared to the current High Representative Josep Borrell’s definition of relations with China as ‘partners in cooperation, economic rivals, and systemic rivals.'”

Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post (SCMP) said, “It is unlikely that the trade war between the EU and China will ease,” and added, “The EU is expected to maintain an aggressive stance toward China over the next five years.”

In addition, Kalas said, “I have long said that Russia’s imperialist dream has never disappeared,” and added, “It is urgent to counter Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and strengthen the EU’s security and defense capabilities.”

“We still have not been able to help or provide enough support to help Ukraine win,” he said. “How we respond to Russia’s unlawful aggression will tell the world who we are and what values ​​we stand for.” .

“Countries like Russia, Iran, North Korea, and, to some extent, China, are trying to weaponize our interdependence and exploit the openness of our society to attack us,” he said. “From rapid analysis of threats to new sanctions programs against hybrid threats.” “We must make the best use of all means,” he said.

Born in Tallinn, Estonia, Kalas entered politics by joining the center-right Reform Party in 2010. In 2021, she became the first female prime minister in Estonia’s history and resigned to become the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security.

The leaders of 27 EU member states unanimously nominated him as the next EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security in June. The European Parliament plans to hold a confirmation hearing for him on the 12th of next month.

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