Home » Entertainment » Nexon’s Ambitious ‘KAZAN’: High-Action Gameplay Meets Lackluster Storytelling

Nexon’s Ambitious ‘KAZAN’: High-Action Gameplay Meets Lackluster Storytelling

‘First Berserker: ⁤Khazan‘ Hands-On: Can Neople’s Action Pedigree Conquer the Hardcore Market?

Nexon’s relentless promotion of ‘First Berserker: khazan’ has been⁤ unachievable to ignore. Following a⁢ strong showing at⁣ Gamescom last year, ⁤the​ game has been showcased at‌ Tokyo Game Show ‌and The‍ Game Awards (TGA), ⁢with playable demos and trailers designed‍ to build anticipation.But can ‘Khazan’ truly ​stand out in the crowded hardcore action game landscape? A recent hands-on preview offers some answers.

A Symphony of Steel: Combat and Boss Design

Neople,‌ renowned‌ for their action game expertise, delivers a‍ combat system in ‘Khazan’ that is both refined and satisfying. The ⁤game features‍ three distinct ‌weapon types: the dual-wielding swords and axes (Dobu), the Greatsword, and the Spear. Each weapon offers a unique playstyle and ​skill ‌tree, effectively providing the⁢ feeling of playing‍ a different game with ‌each switch.

the combat mechanics⁤ draw inspiration from titles like ‘Sekiro: shadows Die Twice’ ‌and ‌’P의 거짓’, ⁢emphasizing precise timing ‍and strategic parrying. ⁤Players must⁤ master the⁢ “Perfect Guard,” ‌deflecting attacks⁤ at the​ exact moment to negate damage and stagger opponents. Successfully executing a perfect Guard can trigger special animations and stuns on ⁤certain enemies and bosses, and‍ even inflict damage back upon them depending on the player’s build.

This system provides immediate and tangible ⁢rewards ⁢for skillful play, triggering a dopamine rush that speaks⁤ to Neople’s ⁢two decades ‌of experience in the ‍action genre. The​ core ⁢gameplay loop ​is addictive and encourages ​mastery.

‘Khazan’ boasts 16 unique and challenging​ bosses, each with ⁢distinct concepts and strategies. This ⁤variety​ ensures a consistently engaging and challenging experience.While the difficulty ‍can be demanding, the attack⁣ patterns are generally​ telegraphed ⁢and reactable, allowing‍ players to​ learn and adapt⁣ through observation and ‍practise. ⁣This avoids ⁤the feeling⁢ of artificial difficulty.

The game’s difficulty curve steepens in the later stages, but by this point, players will have acquired⁤ sufficient gear and unlocked a wide range of⁤ skills. This encourages experimentation and optimization, pushing players to discover the most effective⁤ builds‌ for their playstyle.

Furthermore,’Khazan’‍ incorporates​ familiar characters and monsters ⁣from the ‘Dungeon‍ & Fighter’ universe,reimagined in ⁤a new context. This provides a ‍nostalgic treat for long-time fans of the franchise.

Narrative stumbles and Environmental Repetition

While ‘Khazan’⁣ excels in its combat ‌mechanics,‌ its narrative ​delivery falls short. ​The‍ story​ follows Khazan, a ⁢celebrated‍ general framed for treason and stripped of his honor.⁢ On the brink of death,⁢ he⁤ forms a pact with the ‘Blade Phantom,’ a malevolent spirit from the ⁤underworld, embarking on a quest for ⁢revenge.

Though, the storytelling lacks the ​depth and nuance​ to ‍fully ⁢engage the player. The narrative feels somewhat generic and ⁤fails to capitalize on the potential of its intriguing premise.

Another area of concern is the reuse of environments. While the ​combat encounters within these ‍environments are⁢ engaging, the repetition ‌can lead ⁢to a ⁢sense of ‍monotony. More ⁢diverse and visually ⁤distinct level design would significantly enhance the overall experience.

The Verdict: A promising Action Title ​with Room to Grow

‘First Berserker: Khazan’ demonstrates Neople’s mastery ⁤of action game mechanics.⁣ The combat ‍is fluid, challenging, ⁤and deeply rewarding, with ‌a diverse roster of bosses ​that demand strategic thinking ⁣and skillful execution. Though,the game’s narrative and‍ environmental⁢ design could benefit from further refinement.

Despite these shortcomings, ‘Khazan’ shows immense ⁤potential. If Neople can address the narrative and environmental issues, it⁣ could ⁤become a major player in the hardcore action game market.

Recent Developments and Future ⁤Prospects:

Ongoing Beta Testing: ⁤ Neople‍ is actively conducting beta tests to gather ⁢player feedback and refine ​the game based on community input.
potential for Multiplayer ‍Modes: ‍While currently a ‌single-player experience, there is⁢ speculation about the‌ possibility of adding cooperative or competitive multiplayer modes in the ‌future.
Cross-Platform ‍Availability: Nexon has expressed interest in releasing ‘Khazan’ on multiple platforms,including PC and consoles,to reach a wider audience.

Practical Applications⁣ and Player Engagement:

Skill-Based Progression: The game’s ⁢emphasis on skill-based combat ​provides a satisfying sense of progression as players master the ‍mechanics and overcome challenging encounters.
Build Customization: The diverse‌ weapon types and‍ skill trees allow for a high degree‌ of build customization, encouraging players to experiment and find their preferred playstyle.
Community Engagement: Neople’s active engagement with the community through beta tests and social media channels fosters a sense of ownership and collaboration.

‘First Berserker: Khazan’ is a promising ⁢action title that has the potential to make a significant‍ impact on‌ the⁢ genre. With further⁣ refinement and a strong ‍focus on ⁤player feedback, it could become a must-play ⁣for fans of hardcore action games.


최신 게임 리뷰 및 분석

넥슨 ‘카잔’ 리뷰: 던파 ‌세계관의‌ 새로운 도전,‍ 액션 게임의 미래는?

글: 세계오늘뉴스 ⁤게임 전문 기자

서론: ‍던전앤파이터 세계관의 확장, ‘카잔’의 등장

넥슨의 야심작 ‘카잔’이 드디어⁢ 세상에‌ 공개되었습니다. ‘던전앤파이터(던파)’ 유니버스를 기반으로 한 이 ⁤게임은, 기존 팬들에게는⁤ 익숙한 세계관을, 새로운 유저들에게는 매력적인 액션 게임 경험을 제공하고자 합니다. ‘카잔’은 ⁣단순한 스핀오프를‌ 넘어, 넥슨의 ⁣’종적 확장’ 전략을 시험하는 중요한 작품입니다. 과연 ‘카잔’은 ⁣넥슨의 기대를 ​충족시키고, 액션 게임 시장에 ‌새로운 바람을 일으킬 수 있을까요?

‘카잔’의 핵심: 복수극과 액션의 조화

복수극은 예로부터 ‘햄릿’이나 ‘몽테크리스토 백작’과 같은 고전 명작부터 현대의 수많은 드라마에 이르기까지, 시대를 초월하여 사랑받는 스토리텔링 방식입니다. 주인공의 고난과‌ 역경,⁤ 그리고 복수를 향한 강렬한 의지는 보는 이로 하여금 깊은 감정 ⁤이입과 ⁢카타르시스를 느끼게 합니다. ‘카잔’ 역시 복수극이라는 익숙하면서도 강력한 틀 ​안에서 이야기를 전개합니다.

스토리텔링의 아쉬움: 깊이 있는 묘사의 부재

하지만 ‘카잔’의 스토리텔링에는 아쉬운 점이 있습니다. 주인공 카잔이 ⁢어떤 삶을 살았고, 왜 그토록 처절한 복수를 다짐하게⁣ 되었는지에 대한 충분한 설명이 부족합니다. 특히, 스토리의 핵심 인물인 ⁣마법사 오즈마와의 ⁤관계 역시 피상적으로 그려져, 카잔의 감정에​ 깊이 몰입하기 어렵게 만듭니다.

게임‍ 진행 중 만나는 인물들이나 ⁣처치하는 보스들의 이야기가 컷신 형태로 전달되는‍ 방식 역시, 플레이어가​ 직접 카잔의 시점에서‌ 이야기를 경험하는 것이 아니라,‌ 유튜브 요약 ⁣영상을 보는 듯한 느낌을 줍니다. 이는 몰입도를 저하시키는 요인으로 ⁢작용합니다.

지루함을 가중시키는 요소: 잦은 컷신과 로딩

맵 이동 구간이나 지역 간⁣ 이동 시⁣ 잦은 컷신과‍ 로딩 화면은 게임의‍ 흐름을 ​끊고,​ 지루함을 가중시킵니다. 카잔의 복수를 향한 처절한​ 몸부림에 감정 이입하기⁢ 전에, 컷신과 로딩에 지쳐버리는 경우가 발생합니다.

레벨 디자인의⁢ 재활용: 신선함 부족

메인 ⁤퀘스트 클리어 ‍후 개방되는 서브 퀘스트는 기존 ​스테이지와 보스를 재활용하는 경우가 많습니다. 이는 ‘카잔’만의 문제는 ⁢아니지만,​ 패키지 3D 액션 게임으로서 완성된 경험을 제공해야 하는 ‘카잔’에게는 적합하지 ‍않은⁤ 방식일 수 있습니다. 새로운 콘텐츠에 대한 기대감을 충족시키지 못하고, 반복적인 플레이에 지치게 만들 ‌수 있습니다.

'카잔'에서 재해석된 원작‍ 캐릭터 ‍'단진'
‘카잔’에서 재해석된 원작 캐릭터 ‘단진’
[게임 화면 캡처]
'카잔' 속 스테이지 '호수도시 알데비르'
‘카잔’ 속 스테이지 ‘호수도시‌ 알데비르’
[게임 화면 캡처]

액션⁣ 게임으로서의 ‍가능성: ‘카잔’의 잠재력

이러한 단점에도 불구하고, ‘카잔’은 ‍액션 게임으로서의 잠재력을 충분히 보여줍니다. 장인 정신이 엿보이는 액션 연출과 깊이 있는 전투 시스템은 기존⁢ ‘던전앤파이터’ 팬뿐만 아니라, 소울라이크 게임 마니아층에게도 어필할 수 있을 것입니다. 네오플은 발매 후에도 지속적인 업데이트를 통해 유저 피드백을 반영하고, 새로운 ​콘텐츠를 추가할 계획이라고 밝혔습니다.

향후 전망: ‌DLC와 넥슨의 ‌’종적 확장’ 전략

‘P의 거짓’이나⁢ ‘엘든 링’과 같이 성공적인 유사 장르 게임들이 발매 전후로 ⁣대형 DLC 개발에 착수한 것을 고려할 때, ​’카잔’ 역시 유료 DLC를 통해 게임플레이 경험을 확장할 가능성이 높습니다. 또한, ‘카잔’ 개발을 통해 네오플이⁢ 쌓은 콘솔 싱글플레이 게임 개발 ⁢경험은 넥슨에게 정량적으로 측정할 수 없는 가치를 제공할 것입니다.

넥슨은 2027년까지 ‌매출 7조 원을 달성하겠다는 목표를 밝히며, 기존 인기 ⁢IP를 장르·플랫폼적으로 확장하는 ‘종적 확장’‌ 전략을 내세웠습니다.⁣ ‘카잔’의 출시 후 성과는 이달 말 출시하는 ‘마비노기 모바일’과 함께 넥슨이 내세운 ‘종적 확장’ 전략의 중요한 시험대가 될 것입니다.

결론:⁣ ‘카잔’,넥슨의 새로운 ⁤도전을 응원하며

‘카잔’은 스토리텔링과 레벨 디자인에서 아쉬운 점이 있지만,액션 게임으로서의 ⁣잠재력과‌ 넥슨의 ‘종적‌ 확장’ 전략을​ 위한 중요한 발판이 될⁤ 수 있다는 점에서 의미 있는 작품입니다. 앞으로 지속적인 업데이트와 개선을 통해 더욱 완성도 높은 게임으로 발전해나가기를 기대하며, 넥슨의 새로운 ⁤도전을 응원합니다.

© ⁢2025 세계오늘뉴스. All rights reserved.

‘First Berserker: Khazan’ ​Hands-On: ‍Can Neople’s Action Pedigree Conquer ⁣the Hardcore Market?

Nexon’s ⁤marketing blitz for ‘First ⁢Berserker: Khazan’ has been impossible to miss. Following a strong showing at ⁣Gamescom last year, the⁤ game has made appearances at Tokyo Game Show and ‌The Game Awards (TGA), with playable demos and trailers designed to build hype. But dose ‘Khazan’ have what it takes to stand out in‌ the fiercely competitive hardcore action game market? A recent hands-on ‌preview provides ⁣some insights.

A symphony of steel: Combat and⁤ Boss ‌Design

neople, renowned for thier expertise in action games, delivers a combat system​ in ‘Khazan’ that’s both refined and satisfying. The game features three distinct weapon types: dual-wielding swords and axes (Dobu), the Greatsword, and the Spear. Each weapon ⁣offers a unique playstyle and skill tree, effectively providing the feeling of⁤ playing a ⁣different game with each switch.

The combat mechanics draw inspiration from⁣ titles like ‘Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice’ ​and ‘Lies⁣ of P,’ emphasizing precise timing⁣ and strategic parrying. Players must master the “Perfect Guard,” deflecting⁤ attacks at‌ the exact moment⁤ to negate damage and stagger opponents. Successfully ‌executing a Perfect Guard can trigger special animations and⁢ stuns on‍ certain enemies ‍and bosses, even inflicting ⁣damage back upon them depending on ​the player’s build.

this system provides immediate and tangible rewards ‍for skillful play, triggering a dopamine rush that speaks to Neople’s two decades of experience‌ in the action genre. The core gameplay loop is addictive and encourages mastery.

‘Khazan’ boasts 16 ⁢unique and​ challenging bosses,⁢ each with distinct concepts and strategies.This variety ⁣ensures a consistently engaging ‍and challenging experience. While the difficulty can be demanding, the attack patterns are generally telegraphed and reactable, allowing players to learn and⁣ adapt through observation and practice. This avoids the feeling of artificial difficulty.

The game’s difficulty curve steepens in the later stages, but ‌by this point, players will‍ have acquired sufficient gear and unlocked a wide range‌ of⁤ skills. This encourages experimentation and optimization, ⁢pushing players to discover the most⁢ effective builds for their playstyle.

furthermore, ‘Khazan’ incorporates familiar characters and monsters from the ‘Dungeon & Fighter’ universe, reimagined in ‌a new context. This provides a nostalgic ⁢treat for long-time fans of the franchise.

Narrative Stumbles and Environmental Repetition

While ‘Khazan’ excels in its⁣ combat mechanics, its narrative​ delivery falls short. The story follows Khazan, a ‍celebrated general framed for treason and stripped of his honor. On the brink of death, he forms a pact with the ‘Blade Phantom,’ a malevolent spirit from the underworld, ⁢embarking on a quest for revenge.

Sadly,the‌ storytelling lacks the depth and nuance to fully engage the player. The narrative feels somewhat generic ‍and ‌fails to capitalize on the potential of its intriguing‌ premise.

Another area of concern is⁢ the reuse of environments. While the combat encounters within ⁣these ⁣environments are engaging, the repetition can‌ lead to a sense of monotony. More diverse ‌and visually distinct level design would considerably enhance the overall experience.

The Verdict: A Promising Action Title with⁢ Room to⁤ Grow

‘First Berserker: Khazan’ demonstrates Neople’s mastery ‌of action game mechanics. The⁢ combat is fluid, challenging, ⁤and deeply rewarding, with a diverse ⁢roster of bosses that demand strategic thinking and skillful execution.However, the game’s ‍narrative and environmental design could benefit from further refinement. ‘Khazan’ is a title with definite promise.

What are⁣ your⁣ thoughts on ‘First Berserker: Khazan’? Do ​you ⁢think Neople has what it⁣ takes ​to make it a success⁢ in the hardcore action genre? ​share your opinions in the comments below or join the conversation on⁣ social media!


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