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Newton deleted from textbooks because of racism – ᐉ News from Fakti.bg – Curious

The fight against racism erased the name of Isaac Newton, considered the greatest mathematician, physicist, astronomer and alchemist in world history. On teachers in New York they are forbidden to call Newton’s laws after their creator because of the color of his skin. Thus, the school got involved in the fight against the superiority of the white race, writes City Journal, quoted by BLIC.

“We no longer say that these are Newton’s laws, but we call them the three fundamental laws of physics. We were told that “whiteness” should be “decentralized” and that children should learn that there is more to physics than Newton, explained one of the students.

A week ago, it became clear that in the state of Oregon, the school management found racism in the mathematics curriculum. The Department of education of the state united around the view that the superiority of the white race is expressed in the way in which the correct answer to the tasks is sought.

According to them, the previous mathematics was dominated by Western civilization, and this is not correct, because in addition to the imposed system, there were also Chinese abacus, as well as a different number system in some African tribes. That is why a new subject called ethnomathematics is introduced from now on. It will include multicultural education in the subject.

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