A one-year-old child was stolen from her mother last Friday night (31), in São Paulo. The mother, who sold sweets on the street, had stopped to put a coat on her daughter, when a man pulled the girl and put her inside a car. Another man threatened the woman with a gun, according to information from G1.
The Public Security Secretariat of São Paulo informed, in a note, that the Civil and Military police are in diligence “to find a girl, aged 2, who was taken by suspects in a gray Celta Sedan in the region of Santo Amaro” .
The kidnapping took place near a traffic light in the Santo Amaro neighborhood, in the southern part of São Paulo. The mother still tried to hold the girl, but one of the criminals managed to pull her. A woman was also inside the vehicle in which the baby was placed.
The girl’s mother has already given testimony at the police station and the case was registered as a kidnapping by the 11th DP (Santo Amaro).