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Newsblog: In the Corona crisis, regional products are back on track – Müllheim

In this news blog we provide information about current developments in the Corona crisis in the Markgräflerland. While shops have recently been able to reopen, the situation is bleak for major events.

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What you need to know now:

  • Despite some easing in public life since April 20, for example with a view to retail, they remain Guidelines on Limiting Social Contacts in the Corona Crisis important. Thereafter, contacts outside the family members should be reduced to the absolutely necessary minimum. Meetings of more than two people who are not members of their own household are prohibited in public places. A minimum distance of at least 1.50 meters must be kept from other people.

  • Anyone who ascertains symptoms that could suggest Covid 19 disease should never go unannounced to a doctor’s office, clinic or corona outpatient clinic, but call the family doctor first. On weekends, the emergency medical service can be reached at Tel. 116 117 can be contacted.

Tuesday, April 28, 11:25 a.m .: In March 2021, citizens elect a new state parliament. Parties would currently have to determine who to send into the race – however, the planned events cannot take place. In the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district, too, the pandemic is making the free program difficult.

Tuesday, April 28, 11:15 a.m .: Good things in difficult times: People from the Markgräflerland tell of beautiful experiences and nice encounters in the Corona crisis. Today: Thanks to Corona, Eschbach fire chief Stefan Zipfel has more time with the family.

Tuesday, April 28, 11.10 a.m .: Risks and side effects: For the doctors Philipp Kienle from Efringen-Kirchen and Peter Reimold from Malsburg-Marzell, the crisis reveals the weaknesses of the health system – but also a strength.

Tuesday, April 28, 10:40 am: “Many of our compatriots want the old borders again. Now they can test what it would be like”: Three French women who work in Neuchâtel tell how they experience the closed border.

Tuesday, April 28, 10:10 a.m .: The district office currently reports 1086 Covid-19 diseases for the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald and 52 deaths related to the corona virus. For the city of Freiburg there are 946 illnesses and 69 deaths.

Tuesday, April 28, 10 a.m .: According to the Robert Koch Institute, the infection rate with the corona virus has risen again in Germany. Each infected person now infects another person on average – this also shows how fragile little progress is.

Monday, April 27, 4:30 p.m .: In the home office, eating becomes a topic for many people: you eat more sweets, you only eat on the side and no longer regularly, you only eat pasta with tomato sauce. In the BZ interview, the Schliengen nutritionist Sonja Mannhardt gives tips for a healthy diet despite Corona.

Monday, April 27, 4:05 p.m .: In the corona crisis, regional products and direct marketers are on the rise again, can be heard more often these days. So far there are no statistically proven figures for the Markgräflerland. Anyone who listens to market feeders will definitely hear positive things, such as the market in Neuenburg am Rhein.

Monday, April 27, 12:22 p.m .: The district office currently reports 1085 Covid-19 diseases for the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald and 51 deaths related to the corona virus. For the city of Freiburg there are 946 illnesses and 69 deaths.

Monday, April 27, 9:45 a.m .: As of today, a mask requirement applies in Baden-Württemberg – at least in local transport and when shopping. “But please with a mask!” Appealed Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann at the weekend. The country now wants to test twice as many people for the corona virus as before.

Friday, April 24, 3:25 p.m .: As of Monday, a mask requirement applies in Baden-Württemberg. But where exactly do you have to wear a mask? What happens if you don’t have one with you? And what is a mask? Questions and answers on the obligation to wear a mask.-

Friday, April 24, 1:16 p.m .: Organizers of festivals are located between tree and bark – also in the vicinity of Kandern and Efringen-Kirchen. The BZ gives an overview of canceled festivals and occasions that are pending.

Friday, April 24, 10:32 a.m .: The district office currently reports 1061 Covid-19 diseases for the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald and 48 deaths related to the corona virus. For the city of Freiburg, there are 938 illnesses and 68 deaths.

Thursday, April 23, 6.41 p.m .: The schools in the country are currently closed. Only emergency care children are in school. But from May 4, graduate students are expected to come back. Dirk Lederle reports on what that means for a school and what needs to be considered. He is the headmaster of the Johanniter School in Heitersheim. 250 students will go back to school there from May.

Thursday, April 23, 3:17 p.m .: Most of the recycling centers in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district will reopen on Monday, April 27th. In addition to hygiene rules, there are numerous restrictions. Waiting times can also be expected. According to waste management in the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald, the opening times largely correspond to those before the corona-related closure of the facilities.

Thursday, April 23, 1:51 p.m .: Funeral ceremonies only take place outdoors and on an extremely small scale. The corona crisis also affects burials. What do morticians have to watch out for at the moment? How many people with confirmed corona infection have they buried? What do they do for their own protection? The BZ asked around in Markgräflerland.

Thursday, April 23, 11.47 a.m .: The district office currently reports 1049 Covid-19 diseases for the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald and 47 deaths related to the corona virus. For the city of Freiburg, there are 937 illnesses and 65 deaths.

Thursday, April 23: 9:09 a.m .: The borders into Alsace and Switzerland are largely dense due to the corona virus. Our photographer David Lohmüller was on the road for twelve hours and photographed them. A trip from Kehl to Weil, Lörrach and Rheinfelden: Historical sadness – border crossings in the southwest during the Corona crisis

Wednesday, April 22, 4:30 p.m .: Possible corona vaccine is being tested on humans: millions of people worldwide hope for a vaccine against Sars-CoV-2. Now things are moving – in Germany and Switzerland. Progress has also been made in the development of antibody tests. The Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) has given approval in Germany for the clinical trial of a vaccine candidate against the novel coronavirus for the first time.

Wednesday, April 22, 4:18 p.m .: Several employees of the Birkenbuck addiction clinic were infected with the corona virus. The virus has now been detected in one patient for the first time. Former patients recently accused the clinic of lack of transparency.

#BZhilft – the Markgräflerland holds together

In the Markgräflerland, public life almost stands still. Because of the corona virus, many people rely on everyday help, for shopping, errands or childcare. Local retail is also badly hit, retailers are losing sales. That is why the Badische Zeitung started the #BZhilft campaign. It wants to bring people in need together with people who can help. At the same time, it wants to strengthen regional retail and gastronomy that can sell online. You can find an overview of all offers on #BZhilft:

Wednesday, April 22, 2:05 p.m .: Contacts become fewer, problems remain. For people suffering from alcohol addiction, for example, the loneliness associated with state-imposed contact restrictions is often difficult to endure. At the addiction counseling in Müllheim – responsible for the Markgräflerland and the southern Kaiserstuhl – you will also find an open ear. She is currently focusing on telephone and email support.

Wednesday, April 22, 1:01 p.m .: The district office currently reports 1028 Covid-19 diseases for the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald and 44 deaths related to the corona virus. For the city of Freiburg, there are 934 illnesses and 61 deaths.

Tuesday, April 21, 6:11 p.m .: As of Monday, you have to cover your nose and mouth in Baden-Württemberg when shopping and in local transport. Not everyone thinks this rule is good and sensible. Voices on the mask requirement from the Markgräflerland.

Tuesday, April 21, 5.41 p.m .: In the nursing home of the Gevita residence in Müllheim, there are several people with corona infection among the residents and employees. The operator of the home does not want to say exactly how many. A quarantine area has been set up in the nursing home. The fact that several employees are missing is noticeable in everyday work.

Tuesday, April 21, 1.40 p.m .: The district office currently reports 1007 Covid-19 diseases for the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald and 39 deaths related to the corona virus. For the city of Freiburg, there are 928 illnesses and 58 deaths.

Tuesday, April 21, 1:15 p.m .: It was to be feared: due to the corona pandemic, the festival of lights and the concerts of the open air in Bad Krozingen fall into the water. Events with chairs are also canceled. As the Kur und Bäder GmbH says, the entire program is to take place in the coming year. Some of the artist’s commitments have apparently been made, and even isolated dates have already been set.

Monday, April 20, 7:25 p.m .: Now it is clear that the anniversary events for the 100th birthday of Sportfreunde Grißheim will be postponed due to the corona pandemic. In 2021 the concert of the Cologne band Brings, the performance of cabaret artist Christoph Sonntag and the Baden-fm party can then be rescheduled.

Monday, April 20, 6:15 p.m .: Since Monday, retailers have been allowed to reopen under certain guidelines and rules. The inner cities and streets are busier again. But do people shop too? The BZ once inquired at some dealers in the Markgräflerland, who say that they feel that the French are missing in Neuchâtel. Tourists are missing in Badenweiler. In Heitersheim the fabric and haberdashery shop is well attended – because many masks sew. In Bad Krozingen and Staufen there are quite impressive numbers of customers in the shops. And even a kiosk is opening in Oberkrozingen.

Monday, April 20, 3:25 p.m .: The district office currently reports 1002 Covid-19 diseases for the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald and 47 deaths related to the corona virus. For the city of Freiburg there are 921 illnesses and 56 deaths.

Sunday, April 19, 10.50 a.m .: Bagger lake ban in Hartheim. The municipality blocks Friessee until June 15th. This order will be checked regularly, fines are due for violations, according to the Hartheim town hall.

Sunday, April 19, 10:45 a.m .: The district office reports (as of April 18) 987 Covid-19 diseases for the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald and 40 deaths related to the corona virus. For the city of Freiburg there are 908 illnesses and 56 deaths.

Friday, April 17, 4:30 p.m .: The district office of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald published the first case numbers for the corona pandemic at community level for the district and the city of Freiburg on Friday afternoon. On a graphic posted on the homepage of the district the previously known total Covid 19 cases and the number of people recovering from it per community are shown. As of Thursday, April 16, 11 a.m., the following figures are available for municipalities in the Markgräflerland: Müllheim: 76 cases, 45 recovered; Neuchâtel on the Rhine: 39 cases, 24 recovered; Badenweiler: 22 cases, 18 recovered; Auggen: 17 cases, 15 recovered; Buggingen: 12 cases, 5 recovered; Heitersheim: 11 cases, 9 recovered; Sulzburg: 8 cases, 8 recovered; Eschbach: 6 cases, 6 recovered, Ballrechte-Dottingen: 5 cases, 5 recovered. Regarding the number of Ballrechte-Dottingen, it should be noted that the number of cases below 5 is not shown in detail in order to exclude tracking of individuals. The number 5 thus covers the spectrum from 0 to 5. Bad Krozingen: 86 cases, 39 recovered; Staufen: 23 cases, 19 recovered; Muenstertal: 13 cases, 10 recovered; Hartheim on the Rhine: 13 cases, 7 recovered. The district of Lörrach does not currently have any figures at the municipal level.

Friday, April 17, 11:00 a.m .: The district office currently reports 951 Covid-19 diseases for the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald and 33 deaths in connection with the coronavirus. For the city of Freiburg there are 889 illnesses and 50 deaths.

General rules of conduct for risk reduction

  • Regular and thorough Wash your hands with soap and water – at least 20 seconds.

  • In a tissue sneeze or cough and then dispose of it. And then wash your hands!

  • If there is no handkerchief within reach Armpit sneeze or cough.

  • If possible 1 to 2 meters distance stick to other people. Do not hug or shake hands.

  • With flu Symptoms stay at home to avoid contagion.

  • Any contacts should be reduced to the bare minimum!

Thursday, April 16, 4 p.m .: In the Luise-Klaiber-Haus nursing home in Kandern there are now two confirmed infections with the corona virus. Three more tests were negative, it says from there. More results are pending.

Thursday, April 16, 2:25 p.m .: After good experiences with the first edition, the city of Müllheim is offering another live consultation hour from 7.30 p.m. on the Corona crisis. The office hour is streamed on the Facebook page of the city of Müllheim. Viewers can ask their questions directly in chat, and they will also answer questions that were submitted by email. Mayor Martin Löffler welcomes several experts from the fields of health, school, public order as well as work and business.

Thursday, April 16, 11.55 a.m .: The district office currently reports 911 Covid-19 diseases for the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald and 31 deaths related to the corona virus. For the city of Freiburg there are 877 illnesses and 49 deaths.

Wednesday, April 15, 7.30 p.m .: A 57-year-old harvest helper from Romania died after a corona infection in the accommodation of an asparagus farm in Bad Krozingen.

Wednesday, April 15, 5:55 p.m .: In Badenweiler, people who are particularly challenged due to the Corona crisis – for example in the health and nursing sector – should enjoy short breaks free of charge. Several hotels and other tourist companies in the health resort want to provide appropriate quotas from July.

Wednesday, April 15, 4.15 p.m .: The regional bus companies are almost completely thwarted by the Corona crisis. Bus travel has been suspended since mid-March and regular services are thinning out. Companies wonder if government aid will be enough to ensure their survival.

Wednesday, April 15, 10.25 a.m .: The district office currently reports 905 Covid-19 diseases for the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald and 29 deaths related to the corona virus. For the city of Freiburg there are 868 illnesses and 48 deaths.

Tuesday, April 14, 5:30 p.m .: The corona pandemic is having a massive impact on sports clubs. TV Müllheim faces the challenges – and is increasingly relying on digital channels like a new club app.

Tuesday, April 14, 3 p.m .: Social workers in schools perform important tasks to defuse psychosocial conflicts and problems. Under the impact of the Corona crisis and the resulting school closings, their working conditions have changed fundamentally. The experts say that being unable to leave the family environment can lead to new conflicts. School social work in Kandern and Efringen-Kirchen is therefore not on vacation – and can be reached by phone, email or video chat. “Our presence is necessary, there is a need for discussion,” says one of the social workers.

Tuesday, April 14, 10:05 a.m .: The district office currently reports 891-Covid-19 diseases for the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald and 27 deaths related to the corona virus. For the city of Freiburg there are 862 illnesses and 45 deaths.

Monday, April 13, 12.35 p.m .: The corona crisis will also have a serious impact on the financial situation of cities and towns. Places like Bad Bellingen, where tourism plays a special role, are particularly hard hit. In addition to the expected tax losses, there is a lack of income from the tourist facilities, in which the municipalities are often involved.

Monday, April 13, 12.30 p.m .: The district office currently reports 882 Covid-19 diseases for the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald and 24 deaths related to the corona virus. For the city of Freiburg, there are 857 illnesses and 43 deaths.

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