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News York: 15 years after September 11th, New York has given itself a new face

The World Trade Center wasn’t just the two gigantic towers that towered 400 meters into the sky. The entire complex consisted of seven buildings. It took almost 20 years to build – but only a few moments to destroy. When two planes flew into both the north and south towers on the morning of September 11, 2001, this attack changed not only the famous New York skyline, but also the political statics of the world.

New York doesn’t let itself get down

The consequences can still be felt today – directly or indirectly: Afghanistan is not coming to rest, instead people are currently fleeing to Europe. Or in unstable Iraq, which was attacked as a result of 9/11. The country has barely recovered from the aftermath of the US invasion, instead it became the breeding ground for Islamic State.

At Ground Zero in the south of Manhattan, apart from a memorial, the new architecture is a reminder of the devastating terrorist attack that struck a gigantic wound in the heart of the city and the people 15 years ago. But New York is New York and won’t let it get down – a little time travel.

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