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news that will invite you to use this app

Facebook Messenger is an application that belongs to the group. This works as a chat so you can talk with whoever you want more easily. In the last time this application has obtained a very great popularity and has undergone some modifications in particular that we will mention later.

The Facebook app remains as the red social that worldwide has the largest number of followers. There are slightly more than 2,500 million users registered in the network who day by day enter the network, where they share various activities with family friends and in groups.The update carried out during the pandemic to the Facebook app, incorporated functions to have greater connectivity between people as well as between groups of people.


Facebook rooms

With the upturn that video calls registered during the pandemic, Facebook considered it convenient to create an application that would help keep people active in pairs or groups and took the initiative to create an application that they called Salas, where enjoyment is allowed from anyone, whether they were online or not. Facebook continues to create and offer news in its messaging app.

Audio messages

Facebook audio messages

This improvement made in the latest Facebook update, will eliminate many annoyances. From now on, when you want to listen to an audio message, we will not have to hold down the button during the entire audio and we will avoid the constant annoyance that when we stop pressing it, the audio stops.

Facebook Messenger, brings the great novelty, that just as we do in WhatsApp, we will only have to press the button once and the audio will be reproduced in its entirety, without having to press any other button.

You remove the likes on their pages

You remove the likes on their pages

Within the new applications, the Like button will be eliminated, leaving only the Follow button. This design is similar to the Instagram and Twitter pages, much more sociable and more simplified. The page that verifies Facebook leaves a comment somewhere, the Follow button will appear for greater ease of locating new followers.

Message archive

Message archive

As WhatsApp is known, it is a Facebook application, so many of its news have an important influence on the former. Among the novelties, this app in its update introduced existing functions in WhatsApp, one of which is the archiving of conversations. When they review it they will notice that they work in the same way, place your finger on the conversation to be archived, moving the chat to the left. Carrying out this procedure the selected conversation will be archived and its search will be very easy.

New topics

New topics

Within the update made by Facebook, it introduced new topics, which you can apply in your conversations. Initially these topics are aimed at the followers of the series: Star Wars and the Selena series, you will find a black background with the distinguished Death Star or also a light background, which represents the sands of Tatooine.

To have access to these funds, it is too simple, you will only have to look for the “Themes” section found in the menu. If you want to apply some of these funds, you only have to access the Themes section located in the menu.

Hide your Likes

Hide your Likes

As on Instagram, you can hide your Likes on Facebook. This could be common for other social networks. Being in the active option of Facebook, the app will send you an informative warning message, if it still does not arrive you should not worry. You will have two options:

  • Not being able to see the Likes posted by other users.
  • That users do not have access to see the Likes you place on your publications.

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