Prescri’Bouge is a support device for the practice of physical activities (DAPAP) supported by the Departmental Olympic and Sports Committee of Isère (CDOS 38).
The objective is to accompany people towards the practice of a physical and/or sports activity.
The accompaniment is free, individualized and adapted to the person.
The target audiences are:
Adults with chronic non-communicable diseases, in ALD, with or without medical prescription and/or presenting at least one of the following risk factors: hypertension, metabolic syndrome, overweight, obesity with or without medical prescription.
People over the age of 60 identified as fragile
As Prescri’Bouge referent in the Vals du Dauphiné territory, Perrine MANCEL is pleased to announce that you can find her on Monday, Tuesday and Friday in the offices indicated in the attachment.