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news on March 21 – online COVID-19

In Ukraine and in the world, the coronavirus did not slow down its spread despite the vaccination. In just a day, he struck more 507 thousand people, and the total number on March 21 reached 123,4 million.

This week in Europe announced the beginning of third wave of COVID-19 and even admitted that to contain it the available number of vaccines will not be enough… In the regions of Ukraine, which is among European countries was in 8th place in terms of increase in infections, strengthened quarantine… But Romania and Greece are striving reach an agreement on introducing own COVID vaccination passportsto make travel easier for people.

OBOZREVATEL continuously monitors the development of events in Ukraine and the world.

COVID-19 в мире. Источник: Worldometers">The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in the world

COVID-19. Источник: Worldometers">Ukraine finds itself between Turkey and Germany in terms of the number of COVID-19 infections

What is important to know about the coronavirus attack:

  • in Ukraine since the beginning of the pandemic, 1,535,218 infections were detected, of which 29,775 people died from the consequences of the disease, but 1,253,972 were cured.

  • More than 104 thousand Ukrainians have already been vaccinated against COVID-19. In addition, on the waiting list for vaccination almost 298 thousand people signed up.

  • Leading infectious disease specialist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Professor Olga Golubovskaya noted that the new mutation of the coronavirus, which was found in Ukraine, gives a “non-standard” response to the usual therapy and causes more severe and prolonged forms of the disease.

COVID-map of Ukraine

Coronavirus in the regions of UkraineThe main thing for March 21:

  • At the Ministry of Health of Ukraine explained the difference between antibodies after suffering COVID-19 and vaccination.

  • In April Greece will start distributing free tests for coronavirus, which you can do yourself, writes Reuters with reference to the statement of the government of the country.

  • European Commission outlined its proposals for COVID-19 certifications, which will allow EU citizens and residents to travel between EU member states without the need for quarantine. Radio Svoboda.

  • According to the portal GediVisual, on Sunday morning, March 21, received a vaccine against COVID-19 more than 420.6 million inhabitants of the planet.

  • Poland also entered the top five countries in terms of the number of new patients – there were 26,405 of them per day. Worldometers on the morning of March 21, Ukraine ranked 8th in the world (15,292 cases), between Turkey, where 21,061 infections were confirmed, and Germany – 13,665.

  • In the world over the past day more of all coronavirus infections detected in Brazil – 73 450, USA – 55 908, India – 43 815, and among European countries in France – 35 345. In total, 2.7 million people became victims of the disease, and 99 million were cured.

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