Home » today » World » News of the FDA to suspend excessive rental of cordial advertising Warn people not to be fooled.

News of the FDA to suspend excessive rental of cordial advertising Warn people not to be fooled.

FDA orders to suspend advertising of cordycephosis products Exaggerate properties And prepare to condone the singer Celebrities, actors, producers and advertisers warn people not to be fooled.

After reviewing advertisements for Cordyceps Supplements Mixed with Multi-Vitamin B And dietary supplements The Cordyceps’ Cordyceps Extract mixed with UC-2 branded Livness was exaggerated through web and television advertisements, with the singer star as the presenter. Bragging about properties to say that after eating, it was refreshing, slept well, lost knee pain And also recommend to the elderly And people with underlying disease

All advertising is false. Ask those who eat cordyceps products Don’t expect to help cure disease. In addition to waste money unnecessarily Still lose the opportunity to treat the disease properly

Recently, the FDA has suspended advertising of this exaggerated flaunt cordyceps products. Along with taking administrative measures against food manufacturers, advertisers, and presenter. And a letter to the police, the Consumer Protection Division to prosecute

Because advertising is not allowed And contains false content Deceit to believe the Food Act, imprisonment for not more than 3 years or a fine of not more than 30,000 baht or both.

Meanwhile, the NBTC has fined two satellite TV stations 500,000 baht each and found another one satellite station.

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