Home » today » Technology » News of the day on December 25th, 2020: Pop star as Christmas dominatrix / WhatsApp update: Forced service for users / TV stations shocks with Queen video

News of the day on December 25th, 2020: Pop star as Christmas dominatrix / WhatsApp update: Forced service for users / TV stations shocks with Queen video

December 25, 2020, 10.44 a.m.

The news of the day: Miley Cyrus verses Instagram. Image: dpa

News of the day: explosive Christmas video! HERE the Queen is blaspheming Meghan +++ Anyone who does not agree to the new WhatsApp update will be thrown out of Messenger +++ Miley Cyrus as a hot Christmas dominatrix! HERE the pop star shows his cherries +++ You can read this and much more at news.de.

Hot Christmas Dominatrix! HERE the pop star shows his cherries

Instead of glowing balls, Miley Cyrus presents her cherry at Christmas. The singer celebrates the festival of love on Instagram as a sexy Christmas dominatrix. Your fans love it. >>> to the article

25,000 euros fine! Corona violations are so expensive at Christmas

The health authorities registered more than 25,000 new infections in Germany within 24 hours. However, the numbers are only partially comparable with those of the previous week.>>> to the article

Drugged! Cookies take parents to the hospital

In Wismar, rescue workers had to go to the same address twice on Christmas Eve. A young woman had hashish added to Christmas cookies and was worried about her parents. >>> to the article

Coronavirus, sex scandal, Megxit! THIS Royals year was pure horror

An abuse scandal, renegade offspring and corona infections in the family circle – the royals have had a year full of challenges and scandals. It is very questionable whether the next few months will be better. >>> to the article

Explosive Christmas video! HERE the Queen is blaspheming Meghan

Every year the Queen gives a Christmas address. But this year the BBC station Channel 4 causes a stir with a fake version. The monarch blasphemed, among other things, about Meghan Markle and Co. >>> to the article

Anyone who does not agree to the new update is thrown out of Messenger

WhatsApp wants to send its users messages about current changes in the future. In order for this to be possible, however, the messenger giant needs the consent of the users. Those who refuse to do so will soon no longer be able to use the app. >>> to the article

Bad Grinch! THIS zodiac sign hates Christmas

“O you merry” is not every zodiac sign in these weeks. If you believe astrology, there are four signs in the cosmic zodiac that are absolutely not fans of the festival of love. THESE zodiac signs hate Christmas. >>> to the article

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