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news November 30 – online COVID-19

Coronavirus in Ukraine and the world more than 443.4 thousand people became infected, and the total number of infections on the planet has already reached 262.9 million. Over the past day, 5398 deaths and almost 414.3 thousand recoveries were also confirmed.

In many parts of the world they have recorded row infections with the new Omicron strainand even more countries have introduced entry restrictions for citizens and foreignerswhich, in particular, come from the countries of South Africa. Meanwhile, China began to test an HIV drug how remedy for the treatment of COVID-19.

OBOZREVATEL continuously monitors the development of events in Ukraine and the world.

COVID-19 в мире. Источник: worldometers.info">General data on COVID-19 in the world.

Video of the day
COVID-19. Источник: worldometers.info">Top 15 countries in terms of the increase in COVID-19 infections.

What is important to know about the coronavirus attack:

Map of the spread of coronavirus in the regions of UkraineThe main thing for November 30:

  • The World Health Organization has recommended for people over 60 and those with underlying medical conditions refrain from travel due to the Omicron strain.

  • Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergic and Infectious Diseases, said the new strain Omicron has already been registered in 20 countries – only 226 cases.

  • A new outbreak of coronavirus disease in Ukraine may begin in end of January 2022 and will last until March. During this time, the country may the number of new cases of COVID-19, said the head of the Ministry of Health Viktor Lyashko.

  • In the UK, all adult citizens will be offered booster dose of vaccine by the end of January 2022, said Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

  • Minister of Health of Ukraine Viktor Lyashko predicts start of vaccination against coronavirus booster (additional third or second for single-component drugs) dose at the beginning of 2022. Tentatively, it will be in January-February.

  • In France, per day recorded a record number of infections – 47 thousand.

  • The Moderna company suggests that to combat the coronavirus strain, Omicron need a new vaccine.

  • Greece will also introduce compulsory coronavirus vaccination. For now, it will only apply to those over 60.

  • 106-year-old Chinese resident successfully vaccinated from the coronavirus and became the oldest vaccinated person in the country.

  • The European Medicines Agency may approve vaccines adapted to the new Omicron strain, in the next few months.

  • In Ukraine shortened the validity period of the “yellow” COVID certificates… Head of the Ministry of Health Viktor Lyashko explained the new rules.

  • V Of Japan confirmed the first case of infection with the new Omicron strain.

  • In Greece vaccinations against coronavirus for humans 60 years and older will be required, quotes Reuters statement by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. And already from January 16, unvaccinated persons of this age fines await.

  • In Ukraine from December 6 new quarantine rules will come into forcewhich will primarily be touch unvaccinated citizens in the yellow zone… In particular, people who have not received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine will not be able to visit most public places.

  • British professor named the best vaccines for booster vaccination, which can protect against Omicron strain.

  • US President Joe Biden appeals to Americans over the spread of the new Omicron coronavirus – urged not to panic, get vaccinated, and after the completed course of vaccinations, make a booster.

  • Experts pointed out the main danger variant COVID-19 Omicron, saying, can he “bypass” vaccine protection.

  • Young world champion in canoeing, coach Borislav Bizu dies of coronavirus in Odessa. Farewell to 24-year-old Ukrainian will be held in Yuzhny on December 1.

  • In China, scientists named three features new strain Omicron and assessed his threat.

  • Newly discovered strain of coronavirus COVID-19 Omicron is dangerous due to the high rate of its spread… This was announced by the World Health Organization, reports BBC.

  • Over the past day in Ukraine found 10 554 coronavirus infections, confirmed another 561 deaths from him and 25 318 recoveries… With a diagnosis of COVID-19 or suspicion of it, 1,749 citizens were admitted to hospitals.

  • United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend making a booster vaccine against COVID-19 compulsory for the entire adult population… This decision is associated with the discovery of a new strain of the coronavirus Omicron.

  • Hong Kong extends travel ban for non-residents from several countries due to the danger of the Omicron strain. And the government Australia will consider containment measures after five cases of infection with a new variant of COVID-19 were discovered in the country, writes Reuters.

  • In the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released new guidelines for COVID-19 vaccinations. In them celebrated, what all adults should receive booster doses vaccines to protect against coronavirus.

  • In Austria intend to introduce penalties for refusing to vaccinate against coronavirus. We are talking about amounts of € 3-7 thousand.

  • The leader in the growth of COVID-19 infections on this time become The United States – 67.4 thousand, Britain and Germany – 42.6 thousand each, Russia – 33.8 thousand. Ukraine, according to this indicator, is 16th in the world and 13th in Europe.


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