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News | Marseille: 30 km / h and pedestrianization of the quai du Port

While, since Monday, the speed is limited to 30 km / h in most of the streets of downtown Paris, in Marseille, the subject is not relevant. “The Marseille city is 2.5 times the size of the capital and does not have the same configuration at all, justifies Audrey Gatian, deputy PM to the mayor in charge of mobility. We cannot therefore duplicate what is done in Paris here, but we are conducting a reflection to appease traffic and can decide on such a speed limitation measure rather street by street, and sometimes even pedestrianization, than a number of Marseillais claim us.

Regarding that of the quay of the Port, which lasted all summer and (traffic was restored on Monday), the elected representative believes that it took place “in a peaceful atmosphere and made it possible to avoid urban rodeos. The operation also made it possible to offer to the inhabitants concerts, animations and workshops for children or sports lessons which met with great success.“. If this pedestrianization did not have only supporters and seems to have caused a number of nuisances (our edition of August 3), the results remain rather positive for the municipality, which is however aware that it remains “elements to improve. A queskeeper sent to residents will allow us to have their feedback, adds Audrey Gatian. We still need perspective to decide whether this pedestrianization, which I remind you was in the original renovation project of the Old Port, will be repeated, perpetuated, or not.

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