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News – Justice | Racist remarks during an arrest: the prefect of police wants the police to be suspended

The Paris prefect of police has asked for the suspension of two police officers accused of racist remarks made during an arrest Saturday evening in the outskirts of Paris.

“With the agreement of the Minister of the Interior, the prefect of police Didier Lallement asked the director general of the national police (DGPN) to suspend the two police officers implicated in the holding of racist remarks heard in a video broadcast on social networks, “said the prefecture.

According to a police source, these two officers admitted to being the authors of the incriminated remarks made against a suspect, described as “bicot”.

IGPN seized

In this case, the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN, “the police of the police”) was seized of two investigations, one judicial opened by the parquet floor of Nanterre, the other administrative at the request of the prefect of police.

On Sunday around 1:30 a.m., police arrested a man suspected of stealing equipment on a construction site in Île-Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis) who had tried to flee by jumping into the Seine.

“A bicot like that, it does not swim,” we hear in a video broadcast by journalist Taha Bouhafs and visibly filmed after officials took the man out of the Seine. “Haha it’s leaking, you should have hung a ball on your foot,” he added.

The broadcast of the video on Sunday on Sunday provoked the indignation of several personalities of the left opposition and the reprobation of Christophe Castaner.

The Minister of the Interior spoke on Twitter of “legitimate indignation” and promised to “shed light” on the facts. “Racism has no place in the Republican police,” he added.

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