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News – Justice | He crosses the A31 on foot and is hit by a car

This is not the first accident of its kind in this sector of the motorway, but it has fortunately not ended in drama. Saturday around 8:30 p.m., a motorist parks his vehicle in the Villers-lès-Nancy stadium sector and crosses the motorway for the first time to reach the rest area located in the Nancy-Metz direction. Before crossing the tracks to return to the Clairlieu area, in the Metz-Nancy direction. It is at this moment that the unconscious pedestrian is struck by a vehicle of Belgian tourists who will not stop. Not yet, in any case.

From CHU Brabois to Nancy emergency

A priori slightly injured in the head and complaining of pain, the victim helped by a witness manages to return to the rest area and then his car previously parked at the stadium. Before getting behind the wheel to go to the nearest hospital – the CHU de Brabois – for treatment. But there are no emergencies in Brabois and it is the firefighters who will then transport this 47-year-old man to the central hospital in Nancy.

Police officers from the Lorraine-Alsace motorway CRS in Champigneulles were then alerted to the accident and immediately opened an investigation. Conscious of having struck something, Belgian tourists who were going on vacation in the South of France, will still drive nearly 250 km before calling for help when arriving near Beaune, in the Côte-d’Or. And turn around to come and explain yourself to the CRS Champigneulles.

U-turn in Côte-d’Or

The alcohol and drug tests performed on the driver were negative. According to the first elements gathered, the tourists would have stopped soon after the impact, but failing to note damage to the vehicle and in the absence of a victim (human or animal) would have taken to the road. Before being caught in doubt and / or remorse? Investigations by police officers from the highway CRS are continuing to determine the precise circumstances of this accident.

These two rest areas located on either side of the A31 are known to be meeting places. And it’s not uncommon for motorists with appointments or looking for reports to leave their vehicle on site to move quickly from one area to another on foot. Risk taking which can prove fatal.

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