Home » today » Health » News, information and last minute from the nine provinces of Castilla y León The Cortes urge to reinforce interventions for the treatment of chronic diseases after the pandemic

News, information and last minute from the nine provinces of Castilla y León The Cortes urge to reinforce interventions for the treatment of chronic diseases after the pandemic

The plenary session of the Cortes on Wednesday unanimously urged the Board to establish new health interventions given the impact that the covid-19 is having in the monitoring and treatment of chronic diseases, applying exceptional action protocols that allow an adaptation of the monitoring to the health crisis and reinforcing the Primary Care monitoring and evaluation services.

It was the only accepted point of the eight of a non-law proposition of Can, designed to reflect on post-covid health and implement the necessary measures, which as a whole had the support of PSOE, UPL, Vox and Por Ávila, while PP and Cs They requested a separate vote on that measure, but rejected the others as the rapporteur Laura Domínguez did not assume her replacement amendments.

The attorney of Podemos-Equo, Laura Dominguez, framed his initiative in what the covid «covers», in how health will be when the pandemic ends, collected what the Spanish Association against Cancer says that one in five people was undiagnosed and listed the more than 28,000 surgeries delayed breast or uterine cancer screenings that fatten the waiting list or.

“How healthy are we going to have?” He wondered. Dominguez, which referred to the current situation and described it as “inconceivable” that health centers are still closed to face-to-face care, when it was agreed to open them. «I hope that the Ministry of Health takes into account the proposals that we present», He asserted.

In the non-law proposal, it proposed to guarantee face-to-face consultations in all health centers and local clinics, to strengthen the staff in Primary Care to avoid saturation of the service and work overload, implement ICU facilities alternative to URPA and operating rooms to avoid the slowdown in surgeries or strengthen mental health services by creating an outpatient or outpatient Mental Health Network.

The solicitor of Citizens Inmaculada Gómez stated that Health was working on reforms until the covid arrived, affirmed that more than 50 percent of the scheduled surgeries had been recovered, recalled the increase in health spending budgets with a fund of 250 million and insisted that the Face-to-face health care is guaranteed with the triage of covid and non-covid patients.

“It is not possible to hire staff if there are no professionals,” argued Gómez, who proposed an amendment to continue working with managers, health center coordinators and health professionals. Primary care To guarantee face-to-face care, continue applying prevention measures, health education, community activities, always with the maximum safety measures, and screening for oncological and cardiovascular diseases in order to avoid complications in the medium and long term.

Also, continue to strengthen and reinforceo Mental Health care and progressively psychological care for the population, from Primary Care with area psychologists, as well as promoting the activities of the actions included in the portfolio of primary care services that facilitate adequate orientation, referral and specific treatment in the matter of addictions.

Laura Dominguez did not accept the Cs amendments, considering that they distorted the meaning of his text in relation to reflecting on the health that will remain when the covid passes, he asked if they can give an answer after data from July 2020 from the INE that reflect an increase in death of 46 percent from diabetes and 37 percent from Alzheimer’s disease, data that clarified the request of Francisco Igea that asked for the floor, also used to make the socialists ugly ask a government to present itself a motion of censure.

The socialist attorney Carlos Fernandez He argued that the “misgovernment” of the Board is seen above all in health, he reproached the failure to comply with the initiative approved in the Cortes to reopen face-to-face care, stressed that “rural health is dying” with the Plan Aliste announced and criticized the lack of professionals. “We doubt that humanism is in the telephone attention,” he asserted, to express support for NLP.

For the Popular Group, Paloma Vallejo shared the intervention of Ciudadanos, highlighted the increase in the health budget, stated that the system with difficulties has provided coverage to patients, referred to professional contracts and stated that many of the measures of the non-law proposal are underway or executed. “We know the strengths of the system, but we must work on its weaknesses,” he remarked.

Vallejo He concluded his turn lamenting the “democratic abnormality” of a part of the Government that does not condemn violence in the street, in reference to Podemos, and Laura Dominguez ugly that in a debate on health burned containers are more concerned, without it being unimportant, than people who are not diagnosed with a disease due to lack of means.

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