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News in easy to understand format from August 9, 2024

Language level B1:

10 dead in Russian attack on supermarket in Ukraine

Russia attacked a supermarket in eastern Ukraine on Friday. At least 10 people were killed and 35 injured, the Ukrainian Interior Ministry reported. It also published photos of the fire service in the destroyed building in the town of Kostiantynivka on the Internet.

Ukraine has previously attacked several areas in Russia with drones. During an attack on a military airfield near the Russian city of Lipetsk, explosions occurred in an ammunition depot. Russia says it has intercepted more than 70 drones.

Celebration for victims of the atomic bombing in Nagasaki in 1945

On Friday, Japan held a ceremony to commemorate the victims of the atomic bombing 79 years ago in the city of Nagasaki. On August 9, 1945, a US military aircraft dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki. 70,000 people died. The mayor of Nagasaki, Shiro Suzuki, called for the abolition of nuclear weapons in a peace declaration.

The commemoration ceremony was overshadowed by the fact that Israel did not attend. The city of Nagasaki did not invite Israel. Therefore, the ambassadors of several other countries did not come either. The ambassador of Austria was also not at the ceremony.

More than 300 dead and missing in storms in China in July

China has experienced heavy rain, flooding and storms in recent weeks. A total of 328 people have either died or are missing in July, according to Chinese authorities. Around 12,000 houses collapsed due to the storms. 1.1 million people had to move into emergency shelters.

Storms and Typhoon Gaemi caused damage of 76.85 billion yuan in China. That is the equivalent of almost 10 billion euros.

Explanation: Typhoon

A typhoon is a very large cyclone with a lot of rain and strong winds. The rain often causes flooding. Other words for typhoon are hurricane or cyclone.

Fewer people are crossing the border into Austria illegally

In Austria, 1,835 people applied for asylum in June. That was 64 percent fewer than in June 2023. This was stated by Interior Minister Gerhard Karner of the ÖVP on Friday at a press conference in Nickelsdorf in Burgenland. In Burgenland, the police and the federal army caught 303 people at the border with Hungary in the first half of this year who wanted to enter Austria illegally. That is 97 percent fewer than in the first half of 2023.

Interior Minister Karner praised the cooperation between Austrian and Hungarian police officers. This is why fewer people have come to Austria illegally this year, said Karner.

Statement: Asylum

Many people flee their country to other countries. For example, because there is a war in their homeland. People hope that they will find a safe place to live in another country. If the country allows them to stay, they are granted asylum.

Valentin Bontus wins Olympic gold medal in kitesurfing

Austrian Valentin Bontus won the gold medal in kitesurfing at the Summer Olympics in France on Friday. The silver medal went to Slovenian Toni Vodisek. Maximilian Maeder from Singapore won the bronze medal.

It was the 2nd gold medal for Austria at the Olympic Games. On Thursday, sailors Lara Vadlau and Lukas Mähr also won a gold medal. Overall, it was the 4th medal for Austria at the Summer Games. Judo fighter Michaela Polleres and climber Jakob Schubert won bronze medals.

Explanation: Kitesurfing

When kitesurfing, the athlete stands on a board that looks similar to a small surfboard. He is pulled by a kite. Kite is the English word for kite.

220-meter-long tunnel discovered in front of bank in Buenos Aires

In a suburb of Buenos Aires in Argentina, the police have discovered a 220-meter-long tunnel. The tunnel is 3 meters deep and runs to a bank in the San Isidro district. The police have probably prevented a major bank robbery. The tunnel even has a ventilation system and an electricity connection.

The tunnel was discovered by chance. A driver discovered a metal rod sticking out of the paving stones while parking. The police investigated. They found a shed with a lot of earth and equipment for digging. The tunnel to the bank was dug from the shed.

Language level A2:

Russian attack on Ukrainian supermarket leaves 10 dead

On Friday, Russia opened a supermarket

attacked in eastern Ukraine.

10 people died.

Many other people were injured.

The Interior Ministry announced

from Ukraine.

Photos were also taken of the

Fire service in the city

Kostjantynivka published on the Internet.

Before the attack by Russia

Ukraine has several areas

attacked in Russia.

Ukraine used drones.

At a Russian military airfield

it is in an ammunition depot

there was an explosion.

Russia says it has

70 drones intercepted

and destroyed.

Commemoration for victims of the atomic bomb attack in Nagasaki

On Friday in Japan

a memorial ceremony took place.

She was for the many victims of

the atomic bombing 79 years ago

in Nagasaki.

The USA had an atomic bomb in 1945

dropped on Nagasaki.

70,000 people died at that time.

Shiro Suzuki now demanded in a

Declaration of peace the end

of atomic bombs.

He is the mayor of Nagasaki.

There was also a problem

at the memorial ceremony.

Normally, many important

political representatives from various

countries to such a memorial ceremony.

But this time many ambassadors

from several countries.

The ambassador from Austria

was not there.

The reason for this was that Japan

Israel did not invite.

More than 300 dead and missing in storms in China

In China, in recent weeks,

rained a lot.

There were floods and storms.

In July, more

More than 300 people died.

There are also many missing people.

This is what the Chinese authorities said.

About 12,000 houses collapsed

because of the storms.

More than 1 million people

had to go to emergency accommodation.

Storms and Typhoon “Gaemi”

caused great damage in China.

The repair work

will cost almost 10 billion euros.

Explanation: Typhoon

A typhoon is a strong hurricane

with lots of rain.

Because of the rain there are often

also floods.

Other words for typhoon

are hurricane or cyclone.

Fewer people apply for asylum in Austria

In Austria, 1,835 people applied for asylum in June.

That is 64 percent less

than in June 2023.

This was said by Interior Minister Gerhard Karner

at a press conference on Friday.

The federal state of Burgenland in Austria

is on the border with Hungary.

There, the police and the federal army

303 people caught this year.

They wanted to illegally

enter Austria.

That is 97 percent less

than in the first 6 months of 2023.

Minister Karner praised the cooperation

by police officers from Austria and Hungary.

That’s why fewer people are illegal this year

came to Austria, said Karner.

Statement: Asylum

Many people flee their country

to other countries.

For example,

because there is war in their homeland.

People hope

that they are in another country

can live safely.

If the country allows them to stay,

then they will receive asylum.

Valentin Bontus wins gold medal in kitesurfing

In France,

the Summer Olympics.

The Austrian Valentin Bontus has

won the gold medal in kitesurfing.

The silver medal was won by

Toni Vodisek from Slovenia.

Maximilian Maeder from Singapore

won the bronze medal.

It was the 2nd gold medal for Austria

at the Olympic Games.

On Thursday,

the sailors Lara Vadlau and Lukas Mähr

also a gold medal.

Overall it was the 4th medal

for Austria at the Summer Games.

The judo fighter Michaela Polleres

and the climber Jakob Schubert

won bronze medals.

Explanation: Kitesurfing

In kitesurfing, the athlete stands

on a board.

It looks similar

like a small surfboard.

The athlete will

pulled by a kite.

Kite is the English word for kite.

Tunnel to a bank found in Argentina

In Buenos Aires in Argentina

the police discovered a tunnel.

This tunnel is in front of a bank.

It is 220 meters long and 3 meters deep.

The police were able to find

from the tunnel probably

prevent a major bank robbery.

The tunnel even had

a ventilation system and

a power connection.

The tunnel was only opened by

Found by chance.

A driver found a metal bar

that protruded from the ground.

The police investigated and found

then a shed.

From there the tunnel was

dug to the bank.

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