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News Highlights: Wopke Hoekstra’s Appointment, Nobel Prize Winners, and Weather Forecast


NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 06:35

Good morning! Wopke Hoekstra will try to convince the European Parliament of his appointment as European Commissioner and the winners of the first Nobel Prize of the year will be announced.

The weather: Today promises to be a beautiful late summer day for a large part of the country. The sun shines a lot, especially in the south, and it gets warm there in summer: Limburg can even reach 26 degrees. Tomorrow there will be showers over the country and it will become less warm.

NOSThe weather of Monday, October 2

Are you going on the road? Here you will find an overview of the work. And look here where the track is being worked on.

What can you expect today?

Wopke Hoekstra is trying to convince the European Parliament in Strasbourg of his appointment as European Commissioner for climate policy. The hearing is from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM. The winners of the Nobel Prize for Medicine will be announced. These are the first Nobel Prizes of this year. The municipality of The Hague presents the new council. The previous council fell three months ago, last week D66, GroenLinks, PvdA, CDA, Party for the Animals and Denk reached a coalition agreement. The case in which the sentence against Donald Trump is determined will begin in New York. The judge has already ruled that the former president and his company are liable for fraud. Trump has announced that he will also be present at the hearing.

What did you miss?

At least nine people have been killed when the roof of a church collapsed in Mexico. About fifty people were injured and there may still be people under the rubble.

The accident happened in eastern Mexico in the state of Tamaulipas. A baptism service was taking place in the church at the time, attended by about a hundred people.

Other news from the night:

And then this:

A resident of the Zeeland town of Philippine has found a meters-high fortification wall from the eighteenth century in his backyard. The stone wall was discovered during excavation work.

Erwin Jesterhoudt was excavating a pond in his garden when a ground worker with an excavator came across a pile of stones. He tells Broadcasting Zeeland that he did not know what he saw as the excavator removed more and more soil.

While excavating his pond, Erwin came across a defensive wall from the 18th century

2023-10-02 04:35:49
#Wakeup #call #Hoekstra #heard #European #Parliament #Nobel #Prize #Medicine #announced

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